Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Gaza "civilians"

As of this moment, the only civilians in the Gaza Strip are the ones that Hamas kidnaped and are holding hostage.

In part owing to the stupidity of George W. Bush and Condoleeza Rice, Gazans freely elected Hamas to rule the Strip in 2006.

That has made them as culpable for all of Hamas' subsequent terrorism as the Germans who freely elected Hitler in 1933 were for the atrocities committed by the Nazis.

In 2013, nine months after they had elected a Muslim Brotherhood member as their President, the Egyptians turned him out of office in a widespread revolt and tossed him in jail, where he died.

The population of Gaza has now had 17 years to do what the Egyptians did in less than one year.  Instead, they've decided foment repeated Judeocide.

There are only two choices that anyone should be given in the Strip.

They either die with Hamas and become the equivalent of Berlin in 1945, forever stained as the 21st century Nazi equivalent, or they die trying to force the regime change that has been their moral obligation since at least 2013.

Any "casualties"--no matter age or gender--are the moral and legal responsibility of Hamas and the populace who elected them.

No one gets to leave now.