Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Dennis Prager's Conservative Conscience

So here's how I see this election:  Hillary won't dissociate from the Blumenthals; Bernie is publicly courting Zogby and West; Trump needs the alt-right that he won't disavow [because he'd be nowhere near where he is without them], and even his own progeny won't [or can't] stand up to him. 
That last fact is enough to make Trump as dangerous as the Dems, even before one gets into what exactly his real political positions are, what he might say they are, or his psychological profile.
Dennis Prager writes that conservatives with a real conscience will vote for Trump to stop the Dems' inevitable leftward march. 
Au contraire. 
Conservatives with a conscience won't make anything resembling common cause with alt righters and pretend that even the most possible leftward lurch of the US gov't is on par with choosing sides between Stalin and Hitler.   This election is NOT a war.
Conservatives with a conscience will not conflate "my side right or wrong" with "the fate of the Republic is in our hands".
Conservatives with a conscience would publicly STAND UP to Trump's refusal to disavow himself from the alt right instead of being afraid of both his displays of ostensible power and their fear of the American Left.
Conservatives with a conscience won't make the kind of moral assumptions about other conservatives that are best left to the scrumming between Hillary and Bernie acolytes.
Conservatives with a conscience and any sense of American history will realize that the Republic they believe in will survive either way without them assuming that either side's electoral successes will be the determining factor.
Conservatives with a conscience will actually make the choice between not supporting someone who needs repulsive supporters and making common cause with him because he might advance your agenda.
Conservatives with a conscience will realize that even Vince Lombardi qualified " the only thing."
Conservatives whose conservatism is informed by a conscience won’t make assumptions—or make public statements about—the morality of other conservatives who may stay home on November 8.
Conservatives whose conservatism is informed by a conscience may stay home on November 8.