Sunday, November 28, 2021

TLDR DIGEST 11/21-28

"We often stop to laugh, or cry, about our obscene modern obsession with ‘progress’. But do we ever stop to ask whether demonstrating our alleged progress has replaced progress itself?…Hypocrisy is nothing new. The media mammoth covered #MeToo with a vengeance, only to shrug when it turned out that similar misdeeds were happening in its own ranks. The senators and activists who said ‘Believe all women’ turned out not to believe us, if it meant rankling prominent members of their party. But our willingness to believe in a progress that doesn’t exist — that’s new. And it’s pathetic.”


“…these movements did not fail. They were never intended to succeed in the sense of actually ending racism or changing the climate. They were designed as political stunts, fundraising slams, a way to promote some person into celebrity status with the help of a compliant media. That’s the flimflam…The failure of peace, love, drugs, and rock and roll to change the world in the 1960s eventually gave us the cynical and self-centered “Me Generation” of the 1980s.”


“A serial killer whose victims were all women and a registered sex offender who raped a female minor before transitioning were among the six male criminals who were transferred to the prison.

“Prisoner Donna Perry, formerly known as Douglas Perry, was convicted of killing three sex workers. Before being charged, Perry reportedly traveled to Thailand to undergo gender-reassignment surgery. Prosecutors argued in court that Perry had the procedures done to avoid suspicion for the murders he committed.

“In the state of Washington, convicted male felons who identify as women have been transferred to the Washington Corrections Center for Women, formerly the only women-only prison in the state, and have in some cases sexually exploited the female inmates residing there.

“The Washington Department of Corrections maintains that transgender applicants must make a compelling case justifying their request to be housed at a female prison, but the burden of proof is quite low in practice…

““The only prerequisite is that the men must identify as female. They aren’t required to have had reassignment surgery, don’t need to be in the process of transitioning, nor do they have to be on a hormone regimen. The only requirement is that they must proclaim to identify as a woman.”


“When I mentioned to colleagues that schools were open in Europe or Florida, they looked at me as though I was somehow a threat. Before school closures, I had nothing but respect for other teachers and for the leadership of the teachers union. But in my view the treatment of children during the COVID era has been a moral stain on the profession. During over a year of online learning, an unforgivable crime was committed against public school children and families. And as it unfolded, everyone around me said it was acceptable, necessary, and even good.”


“Look, there’s no reason to weasel-word it: The history of Hollywood, which is to say the history of 20th-century American culture, is impossible to talk about without talking about Jews. So it was a surprise to learn that the Academy Museum—a newly opened space dedicated to movies and moviemaking by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, built at a cost of $500 million—doesn’t have much to say about the Jews who made it all happen in the first place…We’re still tying ourselves into knots about Thomas Jefferson. Imagine if the Academy Museum had installed a statue of Jack Warner, one of the founding fathers of the movie business.  So cultural institutions like the Academy Museum elect to sweep the ugly parts off-screen. It’s easier to avoid the mishegas.”


The Loudoun County sheriff accused the school district's superintendent of taking actions that enabled a male student who had sexually assaulted a girl in a girls' restroom to go on to assault another student in another public school. The sheriff also questioned the superintendent's promised investigation into the assaults. 

Loudoun County Sheriff Michael Chapman made these claims in response to Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS) Superintendent Scott Ziegler, who had sent a letter accusing Chapman's office of failing to meet the requirements of Virginia law in notifying LCPS about the charges the male student faced.

Chapman's letter noted that Ziegler knew about the May 28 assault at Stone Bridge High School "the day it occurred," and he noted that Juvenile Intake notified LCPS of the student's arrest on July 9.

Chapman added, "despite knowing the serious nature of the offense, LCPS decided to place this individual back into [another] high school population" and "the consequences of that decision resulted in a second student being victimized by the same defendant" on Oct. 6 at Broad Run High School.


“The big news of the day is President Biden’s announcement of the reappointment of Jay Powell as chairman of the Federal Reserve and the promotion of Lael Brainard to vice chairman from governor.

Click Image to Enlarge

““Jay,” the President basically said, “you're my guy because in our conversations you have promised to maximize employment and to make climate change a top priority and, in your speech a month ago, you said how hard the Fed would work to solve entrenched inequities.”

"By the way, in congressional testimony, Ms. Brainard has repeatedly refused to answer a direct question as to whether she believes in capitalism or socialism. How hard can it be for a former treasury official and long-time Fed official to come out in favor of American capitalism. Well, I guess in her case, it’s difficult.”


Biden Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm on rising gas prices: "We're working through an energy transition...The reality is, we have to take some time to get off of oil and gas, we recognize this. This is a transition."


“If the United States manages to put down the woke revolution, it will be because a critical mass of liberals chooses to reject it. Conservatives, opposed to wokeness from the start, can make arguments and stand up for their principles individually. But they can’t stop the liberal-to-woke conversion process that turns mildly left-of-center Americans into cosplay Black Panthers overnight. The liberals themselves are the gatekeepers of their own movement and its institutions. Given that these institutions—news media, social media, entertainment, academia, and the current majority party in Washington—shape so many aspects of American life, it’s mostly up to liberals to halt and reverse the transformation of the country.”

“Despite the book’s title, McWhorter dispenses with the term woke altogether. Borrowing, with acknowledgment, from the conservative writer Joseph Bottum, he deems the woke “the Elect.” The term evokes the social-justice warrior’s smugness in his sense of having come to higher moral knowledge. The Elect also has a helpfully medieval resonance to it: “This is apt, in that the view they think of as, indeed, sacrosanct is directly equivalent to views people centuries before us were as fervently devoted to as today’s Elect are.” The Elect are, to some degree, inquisitors.

“From there, McWhorter makes his most convincing argument—that Electism is not a political persuasion at all but a religion. “I do not mean that these people’s ideology is ‘like’ a religion,” he writes. “I seek no rhetorical snap in the comparison. I mean that it actually is a religion. An anthropologist would see no difference in type between Pentecostalism and this new form of antiracism.””


“Should Biden step down, 2023 will be pretty awful for Democrats, as a new presidential contest — in the face of substantial losses in the 2022 elections — will deepen party divides. But what would make it far more disruptive is Pelosi’s departure. (Though not certain, it is expected.) And like Biden, if she is leaving, she surely doesn’t want voters to know that before next year. Pelosi is a master tactician able to unite squabbling Democrats in ways no one else in her party can, so her absence would be an incalculable loss if Democrats are facing minority status with a lame-duck president.  At that point, when a new GOP majority in the House looks to impeach President Biden, it will be the least of the Democrats’ worries.”


“Many look at [Rittenhouse] and see someone who, perhaps naively, thought he could protect a community he knew (his father lives in Kenosha) and help people who were suffering. But many others—including his President—see Kyle Rittenhouse as the embodiment of white supremacist violence and entitlement, though there is no evidence that he harbors any racially-inflected views. White supremacy used to mean disliking nonwhites. Now it’s defined by who nonwhites don’t like.”


“There’s a certain brand of weak-sauce conservative pundit, many of whom have populated the airwaves of cable news channels and other corporate media venues, which depends for its sustenance on remaining ‘acceptable’ to those who are not conservatives … Let’s hope that somebody is less ‘acceptable’ and more willing to accurately assess the state of America brought on by two decades of weak-sauce conservatism’s constant retreating…Stephen Hayes and Jonah Goldberg won’t be missed.”


'You bet my bail reforms will kill people': Shocking 2007 admission by woke Milwaukee District Attorney John Chisolm who freed Waukesha parade killer three weeks ago on $1,000 bond:


“On the very same day that Rittenhouse was declared not guilty, Andrew Coffee, a black man from Florida, was, too. Coffee shot and killed his girlfriend after he mistook the use of a flashbang grenade during a police raid as gunfire, and exchanged fire with officers. He was cleared of all charges.  In another blow to the racial narrative being pushed by many in the press, a white cop from Missouri was convicted of the involuntary manslaughter of a black man on the same day that the Rittenhouse and Coffee verdicts came out. In another emblematic case, Stephen Spencer of Wilkes-Barre, Pa., shot an unarmed white man during a physical confrontation. He was acquitted on the same self-defense grounds that kept Rittenhouse out of prison.  And on Sunday, a father daughter duo made use of their right to open-carry, standing guard alongside a protest of the verdict. Per the New York Post, they themselves were defending property on the night of the Rittenhouse shootings.”


“Until quite recently, the mainstream liberal argument was that burning down businesses for racial justice was both good and healthy. Burnings allowed for the expression of righteous rage, and the businesses all had insurance to rebuild.   When I was at the New York Times, I went to Kenosha to see about this, and it turned out to be not true. The part of Kenosha that people burned in the riots was the poor, multi-racial commercial district, full of small, underinsured cell phone shops and car lots. It was very sad to see and to hear from people who had suffered.  If you lived in those neighborhoods on fire, you were not supposed to get an extinguisher. The proper response — the only acceptable response — was to see the brick and mortar torn down, to watch the fires burn and to say: thank you.”


“It’s always interesting when we are lectured about “democracy” by a continent which features governments that throw people in jail for speech crimes and control virtually every economic interaction.”


“These days, an aroma of delusion lingers, with ideas presented to us from a supposedly brave new world that is, in reality, patently nonsensical. Yet we are expected to pretend otherwise. To point out the nakedness of the emperor is the height of impropriety, and I suspect that the sheer degree to which we are asked to engage in this dissimulation will go down as a hallmark of the era…The notion seems to be that practitioners and scholars, across disciplines, must devote a considerable part of their time to putatively antiracist initiatives. It’s a bold proposition, but given how shaky its actual justification is, it is reasonable to think that lately this devotion is being imposed by fiat, as opposed to being an organic outpouring. And if the price for questioning that notion is to be seen as sitting somewhere on a spectrum ranging from retrogressive to racist, it’s a price few are willing to pay. One is, rather, to pretend.”


For the hard left, this is only the start of the battle, not its end. When the rules work out badly for the left, they don’t start playing by them. They try to change the rules.

That’s why there was so much of a frenzy to destroy him: Because if Kyle Rittenhouse, slayer of pedophiles and defender of his community, is allowed to go free, then others might see him as a model rather than a warning to cower.

Think about how much effort went into destroying this young man. Rep. Cori Bush, Rep. Ayanna Pressley, and President Joe Biden denounced him as a white supremacist domestic terrorist, all without evidence.

They can come after executives like Brendan Eich; policemen like Bill Kelly; actors like Gina Carano; gym teachers like Tanner Cross; students like Nick Sandmann; bakers like the Gibson family; parents like Scott Smith and Tara McNeally, professors like Dorian Abbot and Mike Adams.

Here in America, whether it’s a statue of George Washington, the bones of St. Junipero Serra, or a teenager standing up for his community, the message is the same: Cower, or fall.

The iconoclasm, the violence, the cancel culture and legal intimidation: These things work in concert, and they’re not about hurt feelings — they’re about control.


“It’s hard to remember an abuse of power more tin-eared — and premeditated — than Mr. Garland’s October 4 memo. Plus, too, Americans just saw, in the election in Virginia, the power of the issue of leftist educators insinuating themselves between pupils and their parents. Mr. Garland has given the Republicans a way to seize this issue on the national level as Americans once again prepare to go to the polls….So long as the Democrats control the House, Mr. Nadler will block the committee from getting tough with Mr. Garland. Yet Republicans are a few seats away from regaining control. The administration’s siccing the FBI on parents deserves full exposure in the coming year.”


“The progressive clerisy — and its fellow-travelers in the media — had no interest in the facts or the law. They demonstrated this with easily disproven false statements about the trial from beginning to end. The only thing they cared about was an outcome in keeping with their ideological presuppositions…at the same time that much of the left-wing commentariat has pooh-poohed critical race theory as an obscure academic doctrine taught only in the law schools, it has clearly absorbed CRT’s contention that even seemingly race-neutral proceedings that have seemingly race-neutral outcomes are instruments of white supremacy.”


“The spectre of communism no longer haunts Europe. But it does occasionally jump from behind the curtain and shout “boo”. Sometimes the surprise comes from the least likely spots. … A world without capitalism is still the aim. But a city with more social housing will do for now.”


“GCC [global climate change] isn’t like a religious cult; at its roots, it is a religious cult. No, hardly for everyone. Not for Gates, nor for all the companies and individuals and doomsayers who are simply cashing in with what’s called greenwashing,” falsely presenting products as being more environmentally friendly to gain market advantage…But cult or cults it is, including sub-cults like that of St. Greta — mobbed by crowds wherever she goes. Among the indicators is that prophecies that don’t come to pass such as the earth being covered by water by the year 2000 are just premature, not wrong. And never even explained away or apologized for, just ignored. Trust us, the rapture is coming! … [Climate geoengineering?] The climate change cult won’t look into it because it might actually work.”


“The great obstacle standing in the way of the race-Marxists’ twisted vision of “equity” is, ironically, the principle of “equality.” Enshrined in the equal-protection clause of the Constitution, the merit-based principle of equality before the law is often what the race-Marxists mean when they use phrases like “white supremacy” and “systemic racism.” Like other forms of socialism, the progressive program seeks equality of outcome, but as Friedrich Hayek explained, equal outcomes require making the laws themselves unequal in their application, which is to say arbitrary. This is why socialism must always lead to arbitrary dictatorship. It is also why enshrining differential treatment of races in the law — the political agenda of critical race theory — can only lead to permanent racial castes locked in mutual antagonism.”


“Hence, the problem (or at least one of them): The vaunted "two-state solution" functionally requires the dissolution of one of the existing three governing bodies between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. Israel demurs and the other two are at war with one another. On a broader scale, the area of what was formerly known as Mandatory Palestine was supposed to become the original "two-state solution." It includes the Kingdom of Jordan. The modern Palestinian movement was conceived to erase Hashemite-ruled Jordan in 1964, making the current king of Jordan an unlikely partner for either Hamas or Fatah. In fact, as Israel protects Fatah from Hamas, it protects King Abdullah II from Palestinian radicals of all sorts, as well as from Iran and its proxies.”


“…our Ruling Class and its woke shock troops sought to smear, silence and bankrupt Kyle Rittenhouse so he couldn't defend himself against an assault for which it bore responsibility. And then, the Ruling Class and its media abettors threatened to sic the mob on the jury to seal Rittenhouse's fate.  Kudos to the jury for refusing to cave to the mob. But that it ever came to that point is an indictment of a society that increasingly accepts mob rule over the rule of law….This is the Left's entire modus operandi, in a nutshell: Inflict pain upon the political opposition and, if the opposition remains unbowed, exploit that response to justify still further power grabs.  The only proper moral response is to refuse to be silenced and cowed: To confidently, courageously and boldly stand for the American way of life, and all it entails, and to never submit.”


“You can't [win] with a generation that's been smothered by participation trophies. "White people suck 2024" isn't a winning message. …they should do the math, but that would be entertaining white supremacy.”


“At the moment, this ideology [-] intellectually simplistic, politically obdurate, and morally merciless as any that wreaked havoc in the 20th century [-] goes by different names. Conservatives call it “cultural Marxism,” which sounds good but distorts its complex history. Liberals call it “political correctness,” a term invented by Western Communists to disparage the rigidities of Stalinism. Digital natives call it “cancel culture,” because of the power it wields through social media. Lindsay and Pluckrose’s “applied postmodernism” is the most accurate term, but it is highly unlikely to leap the species gap and appeal to the masses. That leaves “wokeness,” a black slang expression dating back to the blues, which is proving to be one of those pungent American coinages embraced by friend and foe, at home and around the world.  If wokeness has not yet achieved Gleichschaltung—the Nazi term for total control and transformation of society—it is not for lack of trying.”


“It is a popular misconception that the Constitution enshrines a right to bail. What the Eighth Amendment actually says is: “Excessive bail shall not be required[.]” Translation: Bail is not constitutionally required in every case; but where bail is granted, it must not be set at so high a level that it is illusory – that there really is no bail because the accused cannot meet the conditions.

“My default position is against imposing on the states Washington’s one-size-fits-all prescriptions. Yet on this one, the states really should adopt the federal bail law. Because there has never been any doubt that the Eighth Amendment safeguard against excessive bail applies to the federal government, Congress has more experience dealing with it, and it has enacted law that the Supreme Court has endorsed. The law makes clear that bail not only may but should be denied in appropriate cases.”


“What if you asked the same in the so-called “developing world?”… basically every poll you’ve ever seen indicating that people want more done to “combat global warming” is false. They want someone else to do the job. Which is actually completely rational. But the takeaway is that if the earth is warming, and it’s because of greenhouse gases, then it will continue to do so. Any country that plays along is sacrificing its citizenry for nothing.”


“The Milwaukee district attorney told the truth when he “guaranteed” that this kind of reform would lead to murder. Woke prosecutors are angry now not because six people are dead and scores more maimed in Waukesha but because one of their own told the truth about the consequences of these policies. And the only safe guarantee going forward is that this type of bail reform — along with de-prosecution, de-carceration, and de-funding of police — will lead to more mayhem.”


“For many of us who have followed the mass murder of the Yazidi people of Iraq and have marvelled at the courage of Murad, the TDSB decision came as a shock. It reeked of ignorance and subservience to an Islamist attitude that has infiltrated too many institutions of Canada, especially urban schools where cafeterias have been turned into prayer halls, with gender apartheid on full display.  Last Friday, after the censorship of both Murad and lawyer Marie Henein, another author selected by the book club, by the TDSB became world news, the board attempted to backtrack. Colleen Russell-Rawlins, director of education, issued a statement described as a “clarificatio.”: “An opinion that did not reflect the position of the Toronto District School Board was shared with the organizer of the book club prior to staff having an opportunity to read the books – something that is routinely done before giving them to students. Staff are currently reading both books and anticipate being able to add them to the list of titles used in the corresponding course(s).””

“Who are these mandarins of political correctness and wokeness who are currently reading the book? Sounds more like the censor board of Pravda during the days of the USSR. The TDSB decision is not merely about censorship. It is about the drumbeat of ‘Islamophobia’ that has made every concerned citizen worry that he or she does not end up with the tag of “racist” throughout their lives. The sword of Islamophobia now hangs over the heads of most Canadians who wish to keep religion and politics separate and outside the public domain. But they dare not stand up for the values of liberal secular democracy that are the foundations of Canadian values. When the largest education board in Canada surrenders itself to the whims of Islamist sensitivities, and Nadia Murad is designated as a possible contributor to Islamophobia, then rest assured the dikes have been breached.”


Sunday, November 21, 2021

TLDR DIGEST 11/14-21

Like those of other North East Asian countries, China’s growth model has relied heavily on the one pursued by Japan after World War II…China’s current problems look eerily similar, and in some ways worse. Demographic problems are an example…China is now at th[e] point as companies are forced to save, its economy will struggle – perhaps more so than Japan’s, and not just because of demographics…The Chinese banking system — and everyone that relies on it — is likely to be crippled for years. Many Chinese banks are already struggling to fund themselves.”


“In many states — including California, New York and Illinois — Democrats control all the levers of power. They run the government. They write the laws. And as we explore in the video above, they often aren’t living up to their values.  In key respects, many blue states are actually doing worse than red states. It is in the blue states where affordable housing is often hardest to find, there are some of the most acute disparities in education funding and economic inequality is increasing most quickly.  Instead of asking, “What’s the matter with Kansas?” Democrats need to spend more time pondering, “What’s the matter with California?””


“It is true that the majority of Americans on the right don’t think of climate change as being a very serious issue. It is also true that there isn’t anything happening at COP26 that would change their minds. I am not sure that anybody is going to sell…trans-nonbinary liberation as a fundamental prerequisite of environmental reform — or even on the underlying claim that environmental reform is a matter of justice rather than a largely technical and economic question involving the externalities that result from human material progress.”


“…now we’re on to chasing down every woman a famous man has slept with to get a couple of them to say they had a bad time. A piece in Business Insider last week accused Barstool Sports founder Dave Portnoy of just that. Two women accuse Portnoy of sex they didn’t enjoy. If the era of #MeToo was kicked off with Portnoy instead of Weinstein, it would have been a complete bust. #MeToo caught fire because the accusations against these famous men were so major. The accusations against Portnoy are not.”


"It used to be that stereotyping was seen as the mental crutch of the ignorant and bigoted. But much of the commentariat has now adopted a quasi-Marxist view that every individual always represents the political group of which he is a member. You’re not a real woman if you’re not a feminist. You’re not really black if you don’t share Nikole Hannah-Jones’s politics. Now much political commentary is written as if every event must fit into archetypes. If Kyle Rittenhouse is a white man and crying, he must be exactly like Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, who is a white man who once came close to crying in public.  … In a strange way, our psychotic commentariat is providing for Kyle Rittenhouse the inverse image of the “black rage” defense that was once employed in the trial of Colin Ferguson, who killed six and wounded 19 others on a train in New York in 1993. Yes, he had committed the killings, but he was driven temporarily insane by a racist society and so he was criminally non-liable, his lawyers argued.”


"Many leaders are terrified that speaking the truth about Israel will cause them to lose their access to the political and intellectual circles they prize so highly, and in which they pretend to themselves they are accepted as equals just like anyone else"


“So far, anyway (and this brings me to the heartbreaking part of the narrative) all of Durham’s three indictments suggest that, as McCarthy puts it, “the FBI was duped, not that the bureau intentionally lied to the court.” That’s not what I want to hear, nor is it what I think is true. That is, I think that the FBI is an institution that is out of control. I believe it has become thoroughly politicized and is in effect a tool of the Democratic establishment. … It needs to be dismantled and replaced.  But that’s as may be. It saddens me to acknowledge it, but I suspect Andy McCarthy is right: “If Durham were building toward an overarching indictment alleging a corrupt conspiracy between the Clinton campaign and the FBI to deceive the court, he would not be charging people with lying to the FBI.””


“Britney may have had legal success on her own, but the public pressure campaign seemed to speed up the process and make it almost inevitable that Britney would eventually be free of her conservatorship. It was a breath of fresh air from an aspect of celebrity culture that usually trends toxic, especially considering that culture is at least partially to blame for the aggressive paparazzi and tabloid coverage that stoked Britney’s 2007 breakdown. Finally, Britney’s saga exposed the general horror of court-ordered conservatorships…conservatorships give so much power to the conservator that there is little incentive for them to ever allow their subject to be free. Hopefully Britney’s case inspires reform in the system so that other Americans are not subjugated in the same unjust way.”


“The Eighth Amendment forbids cruel and unusual punishment. The scribes at the AMA never got that memo. This surreal emission from two of the nation’s top medical organizations presents an advancing terminal condition. The prognosis for the patient is grim. Fortunately, contagion can be contained by laughter bolstered by doses of ridicule.”


“Yes, Governor Glenn attended a ball in the Eighties whose theme does not parse well with the lofty standards of the 2020s. And he was pictured “next to” people whose costumes have aged like a fine milk. Never mind the fact that Youngkin himself is wearing…a tuxedo. The only culture the governor-elect is appropriating is Antarctica’s.”


“…there will always be anti-Trumpers so thoroughly conditioned as to refuse to admit that even a broken clock is right twice a day.

“There will always be anti-Zionists for whom the best agreement in the world, if it involves Israel, is null, void, and detestable.

“There are the false friends of Palestine fulminating about treason and abandonment at the hands of their champions.”


“Why else would the Gulf potentates treat with the despicable Yahud who figures as “ape” and “swine” in the Koran? Why would the Hundred Years’ War against the Zionist project pale now?  The answer is “Imperial Iran,” which transformed ancient enmities into a marriage of convenience between Muslims and Jews. What was feted as a “miracle” is actually nothing new under the sun. In Christendom, think about the Thirty Years’ War (1618-48) high schoolers learn to view as faith-driven mayhem. Not so. It wasn’t Protestants vs. Papists, but an all-out hegemonic conflict between Catholic France and Catholic Habsburgs. The French had no qualms about allying with the Protestant Swedes and the Lutheran princes of the Holy Roman Empire. Protestant Denmark played both sides of the street. Power beat the pulpit.

Thus again in the Middle East today…Israel looks even better than America, the midwife of this progressive realignment, with foes and friends trading places. The U.S. has proven a fickle protector. Most recently, Obama tried to make nice to Tehran at the expense of Israel and the Arabs, a traumatic turn that along with the JCPOA accelerated the rethink.”


“…to believe the choice is up to him is to believe that his staggering fall in poll numbers is imaginary. It’s to believe that Biden is not facing the largest electoral wipeout in Congress in decades, or that those behind his presidency are not going to pull him aside — particularly Jill Biden, who has been extremely protective of her husband. It’s to wave away his advanced age and possible cognitive decline. Joe Biden is a dead man walking, electorally speaking….Usually a politician would shy away from policies likely to inflict pain on the country. But that all changes if he isn’t planning on standing for reelection. He could inflict real reform — and real harm, the kind of harm we are seeing right now with both an inflation crisis and oil prices spiking.”


“Fusionism, properly understood, is not a marriage of two groups. It’s a marriage of two value sets. A fusionist is someone who sees both liberty (in the classical sense of freedom from aggression, coercion, and fraud) and virtue (in the Judeo-Christian sense of submission to God’s commands) as important. Fusionism is therefore a distinct philosophical orientation unto itself. What’s more, it has historically been the dominant orientation on the American right.”


Who needed limited government? By removing the old tripwires, progressives inadvertently left the system increasingly vulnerable to elite thrusts and popular parries. No wonder today’s progressives fear, and contemplate, coups. This year’s news is a welcome reminder that we’re not doomed to live among coups, that the rules of the game are still valid, and that you win some and you lose some.


“The basic stance of the social justice set, for a long time now, has been that they are 100% exempt from ordinary politics. … Well, sooner or later, guys, you have to actually give a shit about what people who aren’t a part of your movement think. Sorry. That’s life. The universe is indifferent to your demand for justice, and will remain so until you bother to try to change minds. Nobody gives you what you want. That’s not how it works….And for f____ sake, give me a simple term to use to address you. Please? Because right now it sure looks like you don’t want to be named because you don’t want to be criticized.”


A movement that fears any name at all for what it proposes to do is, ultimately, trying to smother any sort of democratic debate of its goals, like the darkness itself throwing a blanket over a candle. But this is America. If you won’t offer your own name for your ideas, sooner or later, one will be provided for you.


In 2018 the University of California led the way for the reintroduction of what is essentially a loyalty oath, some 70 years after it briefly required employees to swear they were not members of the Communist Party, and 50 years after it adopted Standing Order 101.1(d): “No political test shall ever be considered in the appointment and promotion of any faculty member or employee.” Nonetheless, all candidates for faculty positions now must submit a statement “that describes the candidate’s past, present, and future (planned) contributions to equity, diversity, and inclusion,” which is deemed “vital information.”


“US officials are curtailing their use of the term “malign influence” to refer to Chinese misconduct abroad, amid progressive advocacy efforts urging the Biden administration to seek common ground with Beijing…Asked about the change in approach, a State Department spokesperson told NR in a statement: “‘Malign influence’ by itself has been used to describe an array of PRC actions that concern the United States and our allies and partners. Its generic nature without specific examples undercuts our goal of identifying specific behaviors of concern, especially those posing serious threats to U.S. national security or the international rules-based order.” This is aimed at “making clear U.S. criticism is not directed toward PRC nationals, the global Chinese diaspora, or U.S. citizens of Chinese descent, as well as citizens of other countries who are of Chinese ethnicity or heritage.””


The passage of the infrastructure bill with Republican support (19 senators, 13 members of the House) is just an example of bad policy becoming law in response to normal political pressures. It would have been better if it hadn’t happened, but it’s something we know we can live with. The intrusions on and alterations in ordinary American life in the proposed “Build Back Better” bill is dangerous policy, and we will be heading down an irreversible path into a bleaker American future if (and I don’t think this will happen) it passes.


“This is not about Bannon, Donald Trump’s formerly estranged White House adviser, who has groveled his way back from presidential punching bag to pardon grantee to Mar-a-Lago courtier. The issue here is the politicization of the Justice Department…Biden ran as the candidate who would bridge America’s deep divide. He has made things much worse, and his Justice Department’s Bannon prosecution will make them worse still.”


Opening Night at Carnegie Hall this season was telling….On the program were two new works, including one purporting to be about climate change. There are many of these “environmental” pieces around. About ten years ago, I came up with a term: the “green piece.”


Public officials, athletes, and the media shouldn’t have misled the rioters as to the facts of the Blake case; if they had, maybe the streets of Kenosha would have been calmer. The rioters shouldn’t have rioted; if they had, the Rittenhouse shootings would not have happened.

Just as importantly, the chaos could — and should — have been stopped by a firm law-enforcement response. In a summer of George Floyd riots and calls to “defund the police,” Democratic politicians were all too often eager to pander to the rioters and hit the brakes on using shows of force to clear the streets…Here’s the thing: The alternative to police is not social workers. It is not, in the long run, violence run wild, either. It is vigilantes and lynch mobs. …When the proper authorities fail to keep order, private citizens will one way or another take the law in their own hands. “


“As [Hemingway] notes in her first paragraph, “the last time Democrats fully accepted the legitimacy of a presidential election they lost was in 1988.” And there are many other instances of “situational thinking.” Democrats downplayed the danger of the novel coronavirus prior to March 2020, at which point it served their political interests to reverse course and become COVID hawks. They also shared concerns about Dominion electronic voting systems with Republicans until November 2020, when they suddenly abandoned those concerns.”


“The concern was not that Catholics might look to the gospel as a guide for their actions in the public square. …for a very long time in America, adherence to Biblical ethics was the cultural norm and the presupposition of politics.. Instead, as Breidenbach shows, the “main driver” of early American anti-Catholicism was the presupposition that all Catholics are “papalists” or papists—i.e., that they believe the pope has infallibility in spiritual teaching and authority to intervene in the affairs of nations. If true, this would make the Church a veritable “state within a state.” The misapprehension that Catholicism always amounts to papalism branded every Catholic as presumptively disloyal and a fit object of discrimination. …[A]llegiance to only one temporal sovereign,” writes Breidenbach, implied that “those with foreign allegiances, including those to the pope, [were] ineligible for full civil and religious rights.”


“After 1989, when Communism collapsed and progressivism morphed into identity politics, conservative discipline frayed but politeness remained—until the very-impolite Donald Trump rudely confirmed that movement conservatism had little to say about our present crises….That is why Trump won in 2016. We can argue about what Trump did or did not achieve for the country, but inside the conservative movement he clearly accomplished two things: he ended the “free market veto,” clearing the ground for new thinking about how to salvage the American working class; and he finished off any illusions that democracy could be implanted in distant lands through foreign wars. In short, Trump closed the era of both Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush.”


“The charge of gaslighting is over-deployed in politics these days. But I can’t think of a better description of a line of argument that says: “If you’re so worried about inflation then why aren’t you voting for the $1.75 trillion of spending in social welfare?”  Meanwhile, Pete Buttigieg blithely says America needs to “walk and chew gum” at the same time: exactly the sort of smarmy debate-club defense you’d expect from the Rhodes scholar turned transportation secretary. It sounds good. But it doesn’t actually mean anything.”


“One need not ever forgive the Saudi regime its many heinous sins to recognize that the Obama-Biden era in Saudi history has been an unmitigated diplomatic and military disaster. The main accomplishment of the realignment so far has been a reduction of U.S. influence in Riyadh without any gain in leverage over Tehran…If the White House wants to boycott [MBS’] de facto leadership in a fit of self-righteousness, it quite obviously can, but its invocations of Jamal Khashoggi and the tragedy in Yemen are unconvincing, even offensive….the humanitarian disaster about to engulf millions of Afghans has not elicited a fraction of the outrage accorded to the murder of a Washington Post contributor.  The more relevant question now is which horn of an increasingly urgent dilemma Biden will choose: Put the Iran deal on the back burner, or lose what leverage the United States has over the world’s swing oil producer. As winter approaches, and talks with Iran resume in Vienna, the only thing that seems certain is that one of the most consequential regimes in the world has also become one of the most frightened, because it believes its sworn enemy to be on the brink of a nuclear breakout—aided by Washington.”


“In an effort to do damage control, the FBI released a statement arguing the practice is standard and compared parents to drug dealers and human traffickers”


“So why is a man who has researched terrorism for more than four decades and worked at the higher levels of the American national security apparatus telling the Jewish community that they are helpless against millions of their own fellow citizens, who should now in fact be considered their enemies? Because Hoffman is messaging on behalf of a shameful and deeply un-American push by the Biden administration to criminalize the regime’s political opponents—an initiative in which Jews are being positioned as, and told they are hopeless to avoid being, targets…But there’s no evidence from the past 25 years to show that white nationalism has become a mass movement, never mind a force controlling one of the country’s two major political parties. When a prominent researcher of far-right terror tells the press that Jan. 6 was The Turner Diaries come to life, all it means is that academic reference points haven’t changed much over the last quarter-century, during which white nationalism has only become a movement even further out on the fringe.”


“…the traditional scientific manner of engaging in such criticism is that other scientists present alternative proposals, and explore other data sets, to search for possible flaws in the original analysis. That is how science should be done. Those who claim in advance, without new analysis or data, that someone else’s research results are “harmful” or threatening, without challenging its accuracy, should consider another profession.”


“When you post a tweet that a) contains numerous obvious falsehoods in the area in which you claim expertise and b) negates every core contention about American society on which your entire career is based. … An astounding feat by 



“If I were Kendi, I would have simply removed the tweet. He’d still be excoriated by people who captured the screenshot, but he’s going to get into more trouble if he tries to debate. I’ve given him some material to defend himself in this post, but there’s simply no doubt that there is no “inequity” in college admissions for blacks or Hispanics.   The tweets may reflect reasons why Kendi doesn’t engage in live debates.”


“For over a year the media enforced falsehoods about the pandemic’s origins, never evaluated the evidence, never apologized, and was never held accountable…we are likely to conclude that the false narrative around the pandemic’s origins represented a tipping point—a comprehensive failure in journalistic quality and mores in a time of national emergency, caused in large part by an overconcentration of corporate power in media, decades of economic and technological turbulence, and a disturbingly supine approach to an authoritarian hegemon. We might also discover that public trust in an institution essential to democracy was damaged beyond repair.”


“Aaron T. Beck, the developer of cognitive behavioral therapy who died last week, took a Jewish approach when he battled the orthodoxies of psychoanalytic theory…Precisely because human beings are disorderly, nonlinear, and happily subversive, psychoanalytic treatment and its attendant mysteries and discoveries will likely thrive and be with us forever. Freud aimed to convert frantic agonies into ordinary human unhappiness. To put it simply, Freud distrusted happiness. Beck did not.”


"Last week's five-day drill in the Red Sea was intended to enhance interoperability among the countries, but also sent a strong message to Tehran: There's now a large, organized bloc of countries opposed to its ambitions of regional hegemony. The bloc's nexus is Israel."


“While NBA players and attendees have been free to advocate for their pet causes on and off the court, addressing China’s treatment of the Uyghur people has been off-limits. The NBA has a large market in China — roughly 10 percent of its revenue in 2019. …mentions of Chinese oppression in East Turkestan, Hong Kong, and Tibet are effectively off-limits now. Broadcasts of the Boston Celtics game have been scrubbed from Chinese channels because center Enes Kanter steadfastly supports Uyghur, Tibetan, and Hong Konger rights. Live feeds are cut and ticketholders are ejected for showing any apparel or messaging that could insult the Chinese Communist Party.  That is exactly what happened on Monday, as courtside protesters were ejected from Capital One Arena in Washington, D.C. (ironically in Chinatown). Salih Hudayar, the current prime minister of East Turkestan in Exile, was one of those removed. “Security came and then the police, they pushed us out,” Hudayar told The American Spectator, in what he said was an “attempt by the NBA to appease China.””


“The media has become an annex of the Democratic Party. That is the fundamental reason for its uncritical treatment of the Steele Dossier.…the media, even as it pretended to fret over foreign election interference, became a conduit for Steele’s form of it. He meddled in the election on Hillary’s behalf to great effect. It was his collusion with Hillary that introduced Russian disinformation into the race, sparking not only an FBI investigation of her opponent but also a probe that marred the beginning of Trump’s presidency.  It was the Democrats, not Putin, who wreaked this havoc on our democracy. Rep. Adam Schiff hawked Steele’s lies for years. Yet the media rolls out the red carpet for him as he promotes his book on threats to democracy. Most of the propagandists for the Steele Dossier remain on television, which shows that the media has no remorse for its role in disseminating it. John Brennan frequently turns up on MSNBC to comment on the very scandal that he caused.  That the New York Times and Washington Post won Pulitzer prizes for serving as stenographers to Steele tells you all you need to know about the meaninglessness of those awards. They are simply rewards for liberal propaganda. They go not to the skeptical but to the credulous — reporters who rely almost exclusively on the word of Democratic sources.”


“There is no denying that as a neurologist Sigmund Freud was a failure, if not an outright fraud. At the very least he was, in Henry de Montherlant’s characteristically well-aimed assessment, an “obsessive who, as is the case in such vulgar cases, wished to communicate his own obsessions to everyone else …Yet Freud the social scientist is a different figure altogether. Many of his theories, though outlandish when applied to individuals, become (using Claude Lévi-Strauss’ felicitous phrase) “good to think with” when considering society writ large. Freud … provided a potent lens through which we can view any number of psychogenic or sociogenic mental disorders or phenomena. … most of us have become justifiably dubious of the theory of “screen memories,” but the picture looks very different at the societal or civilizational level. … The self-destructive spasms of iconoclastic violence and the invidious spread of critical race theory in recent years can be seen as a collective outbreak of afterwardsness, a more virulent variant of that wide-ranging affliction known as presentism. …We are now seeing what happens when, as Freud wrote in Totem and Taboo, “the restrictions of deferred obedience [are] no longer held,” and how the need to “repeat the crime of parricide again and again” arises “as a result of the changing conditions of life.””


“The wait for the Rittenhouse verdict is therefore just another chapter in a story that keeps repeating itself….when those who side with last year's rioters don't get their way, mayhem is a possibility. That's a terrible state of affairs in and of itself. What makes it doubly infuriating is that the widely acknowledged possibility of left-wing violence doesn't seem to factor into conversations about responsibility for our emerging culture of political violence.  As it turns out, one end of the political spectrum is responsible for most of the political violence in America. But the real "big lie" is that that side is the Right rather than the Left.”


"It's the same reason when they boarded up storefronts in major metropolitan areas prior to the November [2020] election. It wasn't in the event that Joe Biden got elected. So the threats of violence primarily, not all the time, but primarily come from the left and of course the mainstream media won't admit that."


“Harris ticks off all the right demographic and political boxes (for the Democrats) on paper — but she doesn’t quite work in person.  This is good news for those of us who feared that Harris might eventually ascend to the presidency. Instead of being Biden’s heir apparent, Politico reported, “Harris is currently not scaring any prospective opponents.” As one Democratic operative told the publication: “She’s definitely not going to clear the f—ing field.””


“If white supremacists are racist because they put race at the center of all human interaction, what are the woke?  Today, white supremacy is tolerated in [no] institution[]. That is a huge milestone. But wokeism is embedded in almost every institution. Anti-racism is the disease that it purports to cure. Its narratives of resentment are dividing us once again by race, weakening our hard-earned freedom and mutual trust, and threatening our children’s future. We have no option but to fight it as we once fought white supremacy.”


““Culture wars” are not characterized by two approximately equal sides who play by the same rules. They are, at this moment in our history, stand-offs between an entrenched leftist establishment that has nothing to gain from real debate, and an upstart movement of skeptics (usually parents) who have nothing to lose by challenging the left’s premises. Conservatives win if they succeed in pressing their questions. They lose when they are silenced, excluded, or encouraged to accept a “compromise,” which is just defeat by another name.”


“As the "not guilty" verdict came in for Kyle Rittenhouse on Friday, many were so quick to rush to react that they ignored key facts of the case. This included an Instagram video, filmed by Deaquan Nichols, at James Madison University, during which he claimed Rittenhouse was charged "with murdering and taking away two beautiful Black lives." The video appeared on the Instagram account of James Madison University (JMU), though it was ultimately taken down.”


“…the defining tactic of the Obama–Biden administration [] has become the MO of the Biden administration: threats to take unconstitutional actions and exploitation of investigative processes.  When the president and his minions warn that they are about to do something they are not allowed to do — essentially saying, “We dare you to stop us,” because they calculate that Congress has no such will and courts have no such means — it changes the facts on the ground. It paralyzes people in the exercise of their rights — which are rights rather than aspirations because they are supposed to be immune from government abuse…This is how progressive government suffocates a vibrant society.”


“Is Democrats' plan to label half of Black voters white supremacists?…more often than not, white progressives' newfound obsession with opposing white supremacy isn't helping. It's coming at Black people's expense.  Reverend Jerry McAfee of New Salem Church in Minneapolis has described white supremacy as a situation where white people are defining your reality and then forcing you to live under that definition….Take the Rittenhouse trial…,with some even misreporting the facts and writing that he killed Black people. There is a mass effort underway to gaslight Blacks into believing Kyle was a threat to us and that he came to Kenosha to shoot us, when the facts tell a very different story, one of white on white crime…In other words, progressives are using Black people to get elected—and then push policy that doesn't comport with our preferences.

Promoting policies that Black people are against, engaging in riots in support of those positions and then buying up the neighborhoods that were destroyed as a result sounds a lot like the Reverend's description of white supremacy.

It's time for Democrats to start listening to the Black community and catering to us where we're at—or they can expect to see a lot more losses like they did in Virginia.”


“My intent here is not to discredit CRT directly. Reading CRT scholarship discredits itself….There is no one who is against teaching about racism. Rather, people oppose telling our children that America is irreparably broken. People oppose using race as the only means to understand, interrogate, and, in some cases, condemn American history. People oppose rejecting enlightenment ideals such as objectivity and equality before the law. My students learn of America’s sins, yes, and they also learn about their country’s truly exceptional cultural, literary, and philosophical contributions to world history.”


"I object to extreme trans activism for the simple reason that its goal is to do away with women’s hard-won sex-based rights and women-only provision, such as domestic violence refuges, rape crisis services and prisons. Women-only spaces have historically been critically important to feminists because they provide a space for women to share their common experiences of growing up female and of enduring male violence. A space to freely discuss this without a fear of offending the men in the room is crucial for women’s safety and sanity."[0]=18743&tl_period_type=3&mc_cid=bf9ae09baa&mc_eid=22e9ae4a48
