Wednesday, May 6, 2009

For New Chair(person) Of RNC: Bristol Palin

I realized that after my last post I spent so much time attempting to justify putting W.’s administration in the dock that I didn’t flesh out my reasoning behind why conservatives have no credibility, beyond the standard laundry list of Republican disasters of the past six years.

Then I heard on the news this morning that Bristol Palin, daughter of Gov. Sarah, is having another change of heart about abstinence education and is stumping across the country for the Candie’s Foundation as a spokesperson for reducing teenage pregnancies.

I realized that no better example exists of Republican/conservative inconsistency, hypocrisy, and incompetence. Forget her mother; Bristol is now the new face of the Republican future, and the (literal?) embodiment of the effectiveness and salience of its principles, at least in term of its social policy outlook. Even Octomom claims she hasn’t has sex for nine years but doesn’t preach about it.

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