Sunday, November 14, 2021



“When Donald Trump was elected, Democrats howled that it was the end of the country — [and] Democrats had said much the same thing about every Republican president since Dwight Eisenhower: George W. Bush was going to usher in the dark forces of American fascism[], George H. W. Bush was a tool of the “New World Order,” Ronald Reagan a warmongering madman, etc. We had left-wing kooks trying to assassinate Gerald Ford, for goodness’s sake. … But it’s not just losing elections. Everything is the end of the world for Democrats. Climate change? End of the world. Economy? End of the world. Caitlyn the social-media intern has to pay back her student loans after Oberlin? End of the whole damned world. Inflation? You can bet your ass that rising prices for groceries and energy would be the end of the world if Ted Cruz were president — but inflation is, apparently, the new homelessness: It’s only an issue when it might hurt a Republican.”


“Kamala Harris interrupts[ed] a NASA presentation to ask if NASA "can measure trees" as part of "environmental justice."  Harris really means neighborhoods, too. She’s talking about environmental justice and wants to know if NASA can track the population of trees against race. As we reported back in September, part of the Democrat’s spending bill put $3 billion toward “tree equity,” as white folks in the suburbs have a lot of trees to shade them from climate change, whereas blacks living in the cities do not and thus suffer higher temperatures.”


1) The vast majority of disinformation, propaganda and lies that flooded the country over the last 5 years did not come from MAGA boomers on Facebook or 4Chan teenagers but the largest and most influential liberal corporate media outlets.

2) These are not cases where media outlets erred. They deliberately lied. The way to know that is they refuse to acknowledge evidence proving they lied. Remember they just *ignored* @SchreckReports book proving the Biden emails were real. 

3) By far the best and most accurate reporting on all matters relating to Russiagate came not from the liberal corporate outlets that want to censor the internet in the name of disinformation or which shower themselves with Pulitzers for lies, but from the right-wing press.

Think about this: they spent weeks before the 2020 election spreading the CIA lie that the Biden emails were "Russian disinformation," but when a POLITICO reporter disproved that, they ignored his book.

These are the world's most pompous, smug, self-righteous people. They never stop telling they're the guardians of democracy and truth.

But then when they get *caught lying* -- when irrefutable evidence emerges debunking their lies -- they ignore it. How is that not contemptible?


“[T]he [Coastal Carolina University] administration has protection, simply because of their power and who they are, and then the students have protections because they’re paying to go there,” Earnest said. “So who’s left in the middle are the faculty; we have no protection”…Students now have in their minds that they have an “inherent right” to “just rise up and cancel somebody”…He notes that while initially the offensive wasn’t against him, he had always been in danger of running afoul of the students’ demands, given that he teaches Aristotle and Shakespeare and other “figures of Western canon that are deemed perhaps offensive, for whatever reason, in this current climate.””


“Numerous UNRWA staff have been found to be affiliated with Hamas, the militant Islamist group that rules the Gaza Strip. Many others have posted violent, antisemitic content on social media, with some praising Adolf Hitler. Seven teachers have been suspended while investigations into these incidents take place…In addition to criticism of its education system, UNRWA has also been roiled by other scandals. During the 2014 Gaza War, the agency discovered rockets stored in its schools and, on at least one occasion, returned them to Hamas. In 2019, the head of UNRWa resigned amid allegations of corruption and mismanagement, including abuse of power and suppression of dissent within the organization. Long accused of lacking transparency, a leaked ethics report that year led several European countries to suspend their funding.”


“CHAPPAQUA, NY—Newly obtained indictment documents prove that former presidential candidate and election integrity doubter Hillary Clinton successfully proved Trump’s collusion with Russians after she hired, worked with, bribed, sought counsel from, visited, made deals with, and colluded with the Russians.”


“There’s something eerie going on now, where liberal leadership still requires low-wage workers and people in service to continue to mask up. If you can sit for a meal at a restaurant and fully enjoy yourself while those serving you, and no one else, are still forced to shroud half their faces, there’s something wrong with you. The help have no faces, which, you get the impression, is exactly how the people who make the rules prefer it.  Masks … are little more than theater at this point, a charade indoctrinating the masses to be ever untrusting, vigilant and inward. Now we are at a point where masks segregate.”


CRT is not a theory but a rallying cry. It is lay shorthand for the many “equity” programs, diversity training sessions, and lesson plans that single out white children as inherently privileged and insist white supremacy saturates American institutions past and present. There are other parent complaints tangled up with CRT, not least of them transgender rights. The New York Times’ 1619 Project, which seeks to reframe U.S. history in terms of slavery and racial oppression, and California’s recently adopted ethnic studies curriculum are also well-aired irritants. Freestyle sex education, multilingualism, and restorative justice leave parents cold. They do not fixate on one or another phobia, coming climate disasters, gun violence, or suicide prevention. Pride months and self esteem-building birthday parties are not their idea of school reform.

Teachers’ unions and allied organizations expect elected politicians to follow their edicts, most sedulously in Democratic states with strong labor networks: New York, California, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Illinois, for example. The National Education Association and American Federation of Teachers, with some 3.6 million members combined, demand homage to ossified theory and failed practice. The NEA has pushed anti-white racism for decades. “All white individuals are racists,” its 1973 classroom manual Education and Racism declares. “Even if whites are totally free from all conscious racial prejudices, they remain racists, for they receive benefits distributed by a white racist society through its institutions.”

Almost forty years later, the NEA maintains that many Americans deny their racial culpability and “want to ignore the systems of oppression that have harmed people of color.” The National School Boards Association, American Association School Administrators, National Association of State Boards of Education, and Council of Chief State School Officers follow suit. The education schools and certifiers do the rest. For the progressive left — public education’s dominant metro faction — conservative insurgents are not just wrong. They are morally impaired or evil.

The AFT’s ghastly Randi Weingarten oversees an army of hardened urban educators and teacher aides. During the last eighteen months, she has done her best under the guise of teacher protection and health concerns to keep schools closed and extort new goodies for her constituents. Children who depend on schools to provide basic services, medical care, meals, order, and shelter have been the most truant and underserved.

Public education cannot reform itself at the state or federal level. Many intrepid personalities have tried and failed. Any turn to open competition — not to say higher academic standards and restored affection for the humanities — would require educators to forego budget lines, salary points, work-to-rule contracts, sinecures, and residual ideals, if any. Those who are responsible for managing the nation’s public schools have created an elaborate charade designed to disguise inadmissible differences of aptitude, human nature, individual drive, and family background. They intend to keep it that way.


“CRT is not a theory but a rallying cry. It is lay shorthand for the many “equity” programs, diversity training sessions, and lesson plans that single out white children as inherently privileged and insist white supremacy saturates American institutions past and present…the NEA has pushed anti-white racism for decades. “All white individuals are racists,” its 1973 classroom manual Education and Racism declares…Almost forty years later, the NEA maintains that many Americans deny their racial culpability and “want to ignore the systems of oppression that have harmed people of color.”..Public education cannot reform itself at the state or federal level…Those who are responsible for managing the nation’s public schools have created an elaborate charade designed to disguise inadmissible differences of aptitude, human nature, individual drive, and family background. They intend to keep it that way.”


“Sharing in Glenn Youngkin’s victory in Virginia were Winsome Sears, a Black female Republican elected as lieutenant governor, and Jason Miyares, a Hispanic Republican elected as attorney general. …The theory peddled for the last decade by most Democratic pundits and academics that Republican partisanship is motivated by white resentment of nonwhites lies in smoldering ruins, as does the theory that Trump-style economic populism is a necessary instrument for Republicans to win elections.”


“[Youngkin’s] approach, we are told, is an expression of the darkest strain of racism, a nasty “dog-whistle,” a reboot of the Atwater strategy. Or as the Atlantic’s Jemele Hill explained the results: “This country simply loves white supremacy.” Really? To me, Youngkin’s rhetoric sounds like … well, to be honest, Barack Obama, in its balance. (Maybe Ibram X Kendi is right that “the most threatening racist movement is not the alt-right’s unlikely drive for a White ethno-state, but the regular American’s drive for a ‘race-neutral’ one.”) Youngkin is therefore more politically dangerous than Trump, because he defuses all the reactivity of Trump and exposes the left’s weakness — which is that they have drifted far, far to the left, and lost the middle and the plot. Biden was the Dems’ opportunity to occupy the vacant center, and they blew it.”


“…when the Democrats and the mainstream media insist that CRT is not being taught in high schools, they’re being way too cute. Of course K-12 kids in Virginia’s public schools are not explicitly reading the collected works of Derrick Bell or Richard Delgado — no more than Catholic school kids in third grade are studying critiques of Aquinas. But they are being taught in a school system now thoroughly committed to the ideology and worldview of CRT, by teachers who have been marinated in it, and whose unions have championed it.

“And in Virginia, this is very much the case. The state’s Department of Education embraced CRT in 2015, arguing for the need to “re-engineer attitudes and belief systems” in education. In 2019, the department sent out a memo that explicitly endorsed critical race and queer theory as essential tools for teaching high school. Check out the VA DOE’s “Road Map to Equity,” where it argues that “courageous conversation” on “social justice, systemic inequity, disparate student outcomes and racism in our school communities is our responsibility and professional obligation. Now is the time to double down on equity strategies.” (My itals.) Check out the Youtube site for Virginia’s virtual 2020 summit on equity in education, where Governor Northam endorsed “antiracist school communities,” using Kendi’s language.”

“Matt Taibbi found Virginia voters miffed by “the existence of a closed Facebook group — the ‘Anti-Racist Parents of Loudoun County’ — that contains six school board members and apparently compiled a list of parents deemed insufficiently supportive of ‘racial equity efforts.’” He found Indian and South Asian parents worried about the abolition of testing standards, as well they might be. And at school board meetings, in a fraught Covid era of kids-at-home, parents have been treated with, at best, condescension; and at worst, contempt. Remember how the National School Boards Association wanted the feds to designate some protests from these angry parents as “a form of domestic terrorism and hate crimes” — and then withdrew that request?”


“No surprise that one of the last campaigners for McAuliffe was Randi Weingarten, head of the American Federation of Teachers. At the AFT 2021 Conference, guess who was the keynote speaker? Ibram X Kendi! The other big teachers’ union, the National Education Association, has explicitly called for teaching children CRT, pledging to publicize “an already-created, in-depth study that critiques white supremacy, anti-Blackness, anti-Indigeneity, racism, patriarchy … capitalism … and other forms of power and oppression.” They back The 1619 Project as a teaching tool. So all the unions, the governor, the Virginia education department, the paper of record, and the federal government think CRT is obligatory for teaching children. But absolutely none of that ever, ever reaches into the classroom. Please.

“Of course it does. To use a term the woke might understand, it is, in fact, structural. In Virginia, the goal is not to make obscure CRT texts mandatory in a course curriculum; it is to filter all education first and foremost through the CRT lens of race and identity; to “interrogate” mathematics, literature, philosophy, and science not as fields of study, but as suspect products of “white supremacy”; to remember “positionality” before you even speak; to grade and discipline so as to remove any group differences; to abolish standardized tests, because there are different group outcomes; to end gifted education, because it’s allegedly racist; to hire and fire on identity grounds; to teach children that sex is not binary and can be chosen; to open restrooms and locker rooms to both sexes; and, most of all, to keep parents at bay and in the dark about all of it.

“And when the public authorities try to disguise this, when a governor says that parents should not decide what is taught in public schools, when the parents are scorned as “white supremacists” for wanting their children to be taught math that doesn’t take a position on racism, and when the media reflexively calls them liars, they are going to get mad enough to vote Republican again. I don’t blame them.”


“Like her dad, [Jenner] is a self-made woman. But Kylie embodies and embraces a lifestyle that is pretty much the opposite of carbon neutral. The younger generations f***ing love it . . . You say you love Greta and her message but everything else you love is a climate disaster. Far from rejecting consumerism, young people are so obsessed with labels. . .When Kylie’s lifestyle becomes uncool and unpopular and you stop loving Bitcoin and stop thinking that stuffing your face is harmless, then I’ll take you seriously. Until then, shut the f*** up about how older generations ruined the planet.”


“[Obama] signed on to the Paris agreement but did not have the ambition — or, in spite of his considerable political skill, the juice — to actually commit the United States to it by means of a Senate-ratified treaty. Of course, in order to be ratified by the Senate, any climate treaty would have had to have been a good deal less ambitious than the Paris agreement — and so we got an unratified commitment to the more ambitious deal instead of a ratified commitment to a less ambitious deal, which, of course, went right out the window as soon as there was a change in administration. All that unilateral executive-action stuff that seems so sexy in the moment gets changed with the drapes every time there’s a new president.”


“Why the explosion in parental engagement this year? Parents sitting at the kitchen table listening to Zoom school saw what their children were being taught — and not taught…Nearly everywhere, teachers unions use money and manpower to turn out voters. Challengers need to do the same. The three Albuquerque school board candidates who defeated the union slate went to the local chamber of commerce, other small business groups, and Republican party allies for alternate sources of money.”


“There's nothing empowering about fellating lollipops.”[0]=18743&tl_period_type=3&mc_cid=8b8c79252e&mc_eid=22e9ae4a48


“Let’s not kid ourselves. Some schools teach critical race theory lite…Perhaps a reasonable objection would be that these are only teacher guidelines and that we cannot know exactly how, or whether, teachers are adhering to them in classrooms. But these guidelines, apparently sanctioned by state departments of education, contradict the notion that concepts derived from critical race theory — or are, at least, C.R.T.-lite — is nowhere near our schools, that the C.R.T.-in-schools debate “isn’t real,” merely a fiction designed to cloak racism.  In some cases, evidence of C.R.T.-lite is easier to spot at various private schools. Granted, governors can’t “ban” private school curriculums, but the experience at some tony New York prep schools, for instance, demonstrates how C.R.T.-lite isn’t simply found in teacher trainings but can make its way into the classroom and schools’ educational philosophy.”


“In fact, on the heels of AOC saying it’s uncool and problematic to use the term, we are now being told it’s out-and-out racism…There are a couple problems with this. First, Anderson’s tweet only reinforces suspicions about the authoritarian tendencies of the left. Second, what should we call this phenomenon if we can’t say “woke”? Words matter, and I don’t think “political correctness” (which sounds positive) is strong enough—nor does it capture the radical nature the left has adopted in recent decades.  Conservatives, who are already being told to refer to their mothers as “birthing persons,” have just been given a new list of naughty words…ersonally, I thought it was splitting hairs for progressives to hold everyone to the literal definition of CRT, although I concede what we really meant to say was “woke.”Except, now that’s out of bounds too.”


…the motivation behind uttering “Let’s go Brandon” rapidly moved beyond just expressing solidarity with other conservative opponents of the president. More important is its aim to provoke a reaction from Democrats — the more outrageous and sputtering, the better. If the lefty media pundits who set the conversational agenda want to avoid fueling this social media fire from the right, they need to calm down. Fast.”


“When cowardly politicians create vacuous policies that lead to a security void, some citizens just might be inclined to step up and fill the void to protect people and property. … Simply put — the toleration of lawlessness always encourages more lawlessness.  This prosecution is neither neutral nor dispassionate; reflecting only political expedience. These court proceedings also highlight an overplayed hand. Kyle Rittenhouse may indeed by guilty of possession of a dangerous weapon by a person under 18, the misdemeanor. He was, after all, a minor at the time. But he clearly and unequivocally acted in self-defense. Anything other than an acquittal on the top charges would be a miscarriage of justice.”


"I know how I am supposed to feel about “Let’s go, Brandon”: Mocking the president this way is uncivil, a sign of the collapse of once-routine public courtesy, etc., etc. How I really feel about it, though, is that it’s fascinatingly serendipitous, seriously funny, and intriguingly fecund. From that one meme, others are being born."


“The solutions to climate change—solar panels, windmills, electric cars—seem so blissfully clean and also within reach. Yet they also require vast amounts of minerals: cobalt, manganese, copper, nickel, and rare earths. Electric cars, for instance, are made with about six times more minerals than conventional vehicles, and such staggering amounts simply aren’t available now. Not on land, anyway.”


“The riot was disturbing, but it was over in a matter of hours. By contrast, a stealth insurrection against a sitting U.S. president based on knowingly false charges of collusion with a foreign enemy did lasting damage to faith and confidence in government.”


“Founded in 1996, Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) is committed primarily to opposing Zionism and to boycotting and libeling the Jewish state. … originally, it merely provided cover for other anti-Zionist groups, effectively saying, “We’re Jewish and we have no problem with them.” But more recently, Elman argues, it has become an engine of anti-Semitic propaganda, most notably the canard that Israel trains U.S. policemen to abuse African Americans, a claim that has made its way to such prominent Israel-haters as the Muslim activist Linda Sarsour and Temple University’s Marc Lamont Hill.  In a particularly telling episode, JVP activists recently found themselves protesting alongside white supremacists at a pro-Israel event held at a San Antonio church.”


“Adam Wyden, the Oregon democrat's son and a multi-millionaire hedge fund manager, blasted his dad in a Sunday night tweet. "Why does he hate us/ the American dream so much????" the Florida based hedge fund manager wrote. "And the reality is: most legislators have never built anything... So I guess it's easier to mindlessly and haphazardly try and tear stuff down." And then came the prodigal son's game plan: "Thankfully, I think I can compound faster than my dad and his cronies can confiscate it.””


“The comedian’s latest episode of Real Time on HBO delved into the Democratic bloodbath that occurred on election night this year, where Critical Race Theory was rejected by suburban voters. The Left says CRT doesn’t exist but is oddly aggressive when people bash it. Why? Well, CRT is listed as part of the curriculum on the Virginia Department of Education website. What’s funny is that these clowns thought that liberal parents would be a) fine with this and b) wouldn’t notice. They’re not. Sorry, you can’t sneak an aircraft carrier through the backdoor like this, fellas.”


“I was looking forward to talking to students at the Cambridge Union this Friday, but I hear that someone there has been blacklisted for doing an impersonation of Hitler…I regret that I did the same on a Monty Python show, so I am blacklisting myself before someone else does…I apologise to anyone at Cambridge who was hoping to talk with me, but perhaps some of you can find a venue where woke rules do not apply”


“Randi Weingarten now thinks kids shouldn't have to wear masks outside during recess. Hallelujah. But here's the thing: zero has changed. No new data has emerged. She literally just stuck her finger up in the air to see which way the wind was blowing. This is wrong and damaging.  I'm glad the right result was reached but it's absolute bs to make decisions like this. Our kids are not Randi's political tools. If you're on the left, you should say so. You know this is wrong but beyond that this is going to cost you politically. Parents won't forget.”


“We all know the media cannot cover sexual assaults accurately. We saw that with the Duke Lacrosse case. We saw that with the gang rape of ‘Jackie’ that never happened. And now we can add the 2020 riots to the ongoing list of subjects the media just simply cannot write about.   The two people shot by Rittenhouse who later succumbed to their wounds were Joseph Rosenbaum, a child rapist, and Anthony Huber, who was also a rapist and a domestic abuser.”


“What I found especially interesting in all the dunking from leftists on Rittenhouse today was the fact that most of them, if you ask them, would describe themselves as criminal justice reform advocates…One such proponent is South Carolina attorney Bakari Sellers … for Sellers and those who agree with him, there are exceptions to the “we shouldn’t judge a defendant until all the facts come out” rule (and let’s hope it’s not based on a person’s race, because that would mean Sellers is a racist). Unfortunately for Sellers, the facts have long been established in the Rittenhouse trial, as the prosecution has shown over and over again, although rather unintentionally…”


The Democrats who are suing to break President Trump’s executive privilege in respect of January 6 might want to be careful for what they wish. The same constitutional lee in which Mr.Trump is trying to shelter might someday — even as early as 2023 — be invoked by a Democratic president, like, say, one Joseph Biden. The burden for the House Democrats is to avoid, in their zeal to get Mr. Trump, degrading the presidency itself.


“…why is the state so insistent on stacking a minor, selective, incomprehensibly vague misdemeanor gun-possession charge on a defendant who is facing so much potential imprisonment on murder and attempted-murder charges that he’d have to live three or four lifetimes to serve the sentence prosecutors are hoping for?  Because the prosecutors know they have no case. They need the misdemeanor to distort reality such that they’ll be able to hoodwink the jury . . . if the judge is sufficiently cowed to let them get away with it by letting the misdemeanor count stand.  There is social justice, and then there’s courtroom justice, [and] never the twain shall meet.”


“Although House and Senate Democrats have finally cracked their Mission: Impossible to allow the federal government to negotiate some drug prices, the negotiations will include so few drugs and have so many stipulations attached that the end result may be more of a drop in the ocean than the monsoon that drug price negotiations could’ve been.”


ED NOTE—this explains the prog program in a nutshell, or as Andrew McCarthy put it, social justice and legal justice are a twain that will never meet

“If he is freed, the status quo of America’s flawed criminal justice system, in which white offenders are less likely to be convicted, can remain just a little bit longer, the inevitable merely delayed, if not denied. If he’s imprisoned, those sympathetic to his plight have even more reason to use him as an example of how their way of life could be threatened if they don’t fight, and hard. His supporters have basically guaranteed those outcomes.”

“This is why, regardless of the verdict — in this case and others that are forcing the nation to grapple with what it means to be Black and white in America — it’s up to the rest of us to guarantee different outcomes. We need to make sure the disparity in who is afforded life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is honestly and continually discussed (regardless of how uncomfortable it is for people to confront the truth) and see to it that those tenets of American democracy are extended to those who have historically been left out.”

“If you care about saving this democracy from the Kyle Rittenhouses of the world, you shouldn’t look to a judge and a jury. Because a “guilty” or “not guilty” verdict in a lone case can’t fix what ails us.”


ED NOTE—to further illustrate how progs use Orwellian tactics to redefine criminality, here’s how the immediately about author defines “riot”: 

I don't mean looting. I don't mean actually breaking out windows, like, all those other things. What I'm talking about is like this kind of a communal scream, in which we don't let things go back to normal, at least until we have fully gotten real change. So what I mean by that, for me, it is about making things too sort of uncomfortable to hold on to the status quo.


“This unfortunate person clearly understands that, no matter what he does to his/ her body, he/she will never be authentically female, because he wasn’t born female. That seems to be the fundamental source of his/her discontent. But that won’t keep him/her from trying to become as much of a she as possible (no matter the cost to his/her mental or physical health). That is sad for the individual involved. But I see no reason for society to go to great lengths to support this futile quest. If you believe in the power of unfettered individualism, than take it all the way: leave it up to the individual to figure out how to finance the transition and accommodate the results. Don’t obligate society to support you in your quixotic quest.”


“It was a rhetorical trick worthy of con artists. But it was only a matter of time before Americans of all races, creeds, and political persuasions started to realize that they’d been conned…what good American would disagree that “black lives matter”? Who could be opposed to “diversity, equity, and inclusion”? Who doesn’t believe in “social justice”?…somewhere along the way, the terms were hijacked by a radical movement of racist Marxists, who redefined those terms to mean all the things they believe in, even as they redefined “white supremacy” and “racism” to mean all the things they oppose.”


If there’s no such thing as objectivity, there’s still impartiality. And fact checkers can’t even manage that. They were meant to bring back the rigour that had been throttled out of journalism. Instead, they’re most comprised of sweaty 23-year-olds in graduate jobs rummaging through the usual partisan sources, then comparing them with the often progressive-partisan fact mills of Wikipedia then spitting out the appropriate Woozle. No wonder many have intuited that a red flag from a fact checker actually denotes “things that might be true but are unsayable in the present climate”.[0]=18743&tl_period_type=3&mc_cid=ef88293ade&mc_eid=22e9ae4a48


“…none of this talk about future generations is really about children, or the future. Rather, it is better understood as a highfalutin form of presentism; the projection of a state of emergency into the years ahead, to provide moral cover for political and economic decisions made by global elites above the heads of their citizens…rather than engaging electorates in a long-term debate, we see a global elite hell-bent on wrapping up international commitments in a two-week conference, egged on by protesters demanding that they “talk less and do more”.”[0]=18743&tl_period_type=3&mc_cid=ef88293ade&mc_eid=22e9ae4a48


“Ronald Reagan quipped that hard-working, religious, communism-hating Hispanics were Republican even if they didn’t know it. … Republican strategists had considered Mr Trump’s chauvinism incompatible with the coalition-expanding embrace of diversity many recommended after Mr Romney’s defeat. But it appears not to be—and for Democrats that looks disastrous.  The party’s decades-long decline in the white, conservative and electorally crucial Midwest appears irreversible. Even if it could excise its leftist fringe—a kiss of death in such places—mainstream liberal causes such as minority, immigrant and reproductive rights are too toxic there for Democrats to progress. To remain competitive, they must therefore build new strongholds in diverse states such as Florida and Texas. But, as Mr Biden’s failures showed, this requires them to maintain Obama-esque levels of Hispanic support.”


Think of the other narratives the MSM pushed in recent years that have collapsed. They viciously defamed the Covington boys. They authoritatively told us that bounties had been placed on US soldiers in Afghanistan by Putin — and Trump’s denials only made them more certain. They told us that the lab-leak theory of Covid was a conspiracy theory with no evidence behind it at all. (The NYT actually had the story of the leak theory, by Donald McNeil, killed it, and then fired McNeil, their best Covid reporter, after some schoolgirls complained he wasn’t woke.) 

Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.

The MSM took the ludicrous story of Jussie Smollett seriously because it fit their nutty “white supremacy” narrative. They told us that a woman was brutally gang-raped at UVA (invented), that the Pulse mass shooting was driven by homophobia (untrue) and that the Atlanta spa shooter was motivated by anti-Asian bias (no known evidence for that at all). For good measure, they followed up with story after story about white supremacists targeting Asian-Americans, in a new wave of “hate,” even as the assaults were disproportionately by African Americans and the mentally ill.

We were — and still are! — being told by most of the media that critical race theory isn’t in high schools at all. Meanwhile, a tsunami of evidence is out there showing that it absolutely is — in every subject, and every class, as the central philosophy behind many states’ education policies.

We all get things wrong. What makes this more worrying is simply that all these false narratives just happen to favor the interests of the left and the Democratic party. And corrections, when they occur, take up a fraction of the space of the original falsehoods. These are not randos tweeting false rumors. They are the established press.

I don’t want to feel as if everything I read is basically tilted through wish-fulfillment, narrative-proving, and ideology. But with this kind of record, how can I not?


“It’s tragic that, though the statement “black lives matter” is so obviously valid, after several years, most Americans still don’t support the movement. But that’s because its most vocal members have made everything about race—citing their race as the reason why everyone must listen to them, instead of trying to convince people why they must be listened to. They make as many sweeping generalizations about race—who can speak, who can ask questions, who can understand, who must try to understand but will never understand anyway—as they accuse others of making. So, they shouldn’t be surprised when, instead of effecting change, they are now mired in cultural wars—the product of dissenters turning identity politics against them.”


“What the new, expanded 1619 Project seeks to do is normalize an ideologically divisive story about this country’s founding and history by pushing questionable stories on public school students. It is neither factually accurate nor in keeping with what most Americans believe about their nation and its values. Its purpose isn’t to expand our understanding of our nation’s rich, complicated, and, yes, flawed past. It is to enforce ideological conformity in the present. That’s not a project; it’s a recipe for a more divided, self-censoring citizenry.”

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