Monday, December 6, 2021

TLDR DIGEST 11/28-12/5

“You might be wondering: who is buying the twenty-seven different versions of Ruth Bader Ginsburg biographies for kids? Who is showing their children books like My Mandy about a transgender parent? Why does the children’s market contain books entitled I’m Not a Girl and Santa’s Husband?  The answer: librarians and teachers. One librarian at a large public library confided in me, “I am very involved with book acquisition for the library and have contacts with many publishers. Librarianship is one of the most liberal professions. I have been thinking, and praying, for a while about what’s happening with book publishing and book buying for libraries. It’s a tidal wave of woke.”…So where does this leave parents? Instead of browsing the new books section, the best and safest bet is a used bookstore with titles published before they were born.”


“…in a narrow sense: K-12 students aren’t reading the primary documents of CRT any more than they’re reading the works of John Dewey or Jean-Jacques Rousseau. But the works of writers like Kimberlé Crenshaw, bell hooks, Angela Davis, and others directly inform Calkins’s Units of Study, which focuses on identity-based power dynamics, victimhood, white supremacy, microaggressions, and the like….Critical race theory flows from the more general philosophy of education called “critical pedagogy,” which, in brief, seeks to leverage every math class, English lesson, history unit, elective, and scientific concept as a means to inculcate a political goal: the overthrow of Enlightenment-based, classically liberal principles—including the scientific method, objective reasoning, evidence-based argument, and so on.”


According to US Census data, in 2019 (pre-pandemic), poverty rates sat at 20.8 percent for Atlanta, 21.2 percent for Baltimore, 18.4 percent for Chicago, 35 percent for Detroit, 20.1 percent for Houston, 19.1 percent for Minneapolis, and 21.8 percent for St. Louis. Meanwhile, the national average sat at 11.4 percent. In other words, these cities, all of which have been governed by Democratic mayors for decades, had poverty percentages that were nearly double—and in some cases triple—the national average.

“On the other hand, cities that have been ruled by a mixture of Democrat and Republican mayors have generally performed significantly better…illustrating that a middle-ground approach may be more conducive to alleviating poverty than a purely progressive one.

“If progressives want to address poverty, perhaps they should consider decreasing the size of their governments, scaling back welfare, and limiting social programs and entitlements. Instead of taking these steps, they tend to argue that it’s not their policy failures that have resulted in poor outcomes but the fault of systemic racism. Democrats and their activist allies point to police brutality as the most obvious example of this problem. And the media attention that police brutality receives seems to indicate that it is widespread, ubiquitous, and indeed systemic.”


“Here's my crystal ball. Democrats will demand Harris' resignation. She'll cite "personal reasons" or "family issues." Then corrupt Democrat billionaire donors will give her a $25 million mansion to retire in. You'll never hear from Harris again.

“Next, they'll name Hillary Clinton vice president.

“Very quickly after that, they'll start planting nonstop stories in the media claiming Biden's aides see him in dramatic mental decline. After 3 to 6 months of those stories in the media, Biden will make his touching goodbye announcement and ride off to a nursing home specializing in dementia patients. And like Harris, Jill Biden will get a $25 million mansion as incentive to shut her mouth and never be heard from again.

“Just like that, Hillary Clinton is president of the United States.

“I’m guessing Democrats will need a black woman as vice president to diversify the ticket and lock down every last black vote in 2024. Michelle Obama, anyone?

“Don't laugh. Get ready. It's coming. Clinton/Obama in 2024.”


“Darrell Brooks murdered a half dozen Americans because he didn’t like their skin color. An ardent supporter of the hypocrites and frauds of Black Lives Matter, Brooks apparently had a history of social media posts filled with racism and threats based on skin color. In other words, he was a typical Democrat in good standing.  While the FBI is trolling the Internet for anyone who may have voted for Donald Trump posting questions about the curious 2020 election results, terrorists are proudly screaming their manifestos and they couldn’t pick up on any of the signs, including multiple arrests.  If the Keystone Cops and Inspector Clouseau had a baby, then started it smoking crack as a newborn, it’d be the current iteration of the FBI.”


“Colorado’s Sex Offender Management Board plans to no longer recognize the term “sex offender” in its own guiding principles and policies.  The argument for new language is based around an increasingly popular theory of “person-first” terminology. Labeling someone a “sex offender,” supporters of this change say, can impede rehabilitation efforts by creating the permanent perception that the person in question is a danger to public safety…Ironically, the Sex Offender Management Board (SOMB) will not change its name even as it renounces “sex offender” as outdated language. That name is determined by state statute, and thus up to the legislature.”


“Atlas…fully blows up what seems to be an emerging fake story involving a supposedly Covid-denying president who did nothing vs. heroic scientists in the White House who urged compulsory mitigating measures consistent with prevailing scientific opinion. Not one word of that is true. Atlas makes it impossible to tell such tall tales without embarrassment.  Anyone who tells you this fictional story (including Deborah Birx) deserves to have this highly credible treatise tossed in his direction. The book is about the war between real science (and genuine public health), with Atlas as the voice for reason both before and during his time in the White House, vs. the enactment of brutal policies that never stood any chance of controlling the virus while causing tremendous damage to the people, to human liberty, to children in particular, but also to billions of people around the world.”


“Iran could seek a treaty with the U.S., which would involve ratification of the terms by the Senate. Or Tehran could scrap its nuclear program, which it pursues mainly to menace its neighbors and the wider world. But the regime has shown no interest in pursuing either of these options…Why, one might reasonably ask, has Iran agreed to resume talks at all? Because the regime reckons that as long as it keeps talking, the Biden administration will cling to hope that a nuclear deal can be achieved and hold off on imposing more sanctions. Intermittent and interminable negotiations give the Islamic Republic cover to keep enriching uranium at ever faster rates, in breach of its JCPOA obligations.”


“Brown University is working hard to become the most anti-Israel school in America. In its competition with Columbia University and New York University, Brown not only boasts the nation's first ever endowed chair in Palestinian studies (named after PLO poet Mahmoud Darwish), but the recipient of that dubious honor, professor of history Beshara Doumani, is currently serving as the president of Birzeit University, located down the road from PLO headquarters in Ramallah. Brown University has become the Providence Front for the Liberation of Palestine.”


“Biden’s, and his administration’s, sole desire has been to undo everything Trump did. So far, they have managed to open our borders, cause rising inflation by spending wildly, and created the debacle of the Afghanistan withdrawal which left hundreds of Americans behind. One disaster follows another. … When — not if — a major war ensues from Biden’s revival of the Obama deal, tens of thousands will die unnecessary deaths. It will be, as Churchill wrote of World War Two, a war that was totally preventable. It will be Joe Biden’s war.”


“The Democratic Socialists of America’s BDS & Palestine Solidarity Working Group is calling for the immediate expulsion of Representative Jamaal Bowman (D., N.Y.) over his participation in a diplomatic trip to Israel and other decisions it deemed as too supportive of the Jewish state.  The “Squad” member’s actions “show that he simply is not in solidarity with Palestinians,” the working group wrote in an open letter to the congressman on Monday. The letter added that anti-Zionism and support for BDS policies are non-negotiable stances for membership in the party.”


"Corporate press are more apt to characterize a parent who protests bad policies at a school board meeting as a 'domestic terrorist', than somebody who intentionally rams an SUV into a crowd of innocent people...if it doesn't fit the narrative"  - @GovRonDeSantis on Waukesha


“If you don’t wear a mask, you are killing people; folks will get in your face and bully you into submission. In the minds of these people, what should be done if you drive a car, or heat your house with oil, consume meat from a flatulent cow, or hop on an airplane? If we can shut down the economy and force people to isolate because of a virus that threatens a small percentage of humanity, what can we do when the entire earth is threatened?…the Left has found in the totalitarian Fauci state the playbook that takes this entire COVID farce to the next level.  If we can shut down everything, even churches, for 30 days to “stop the spread,” why not shut the entire economy down for half a year to save the planet? And between now and then, widespread public shaming of anyone who dares to contribute to climate change in any way seems as inevitable as the phases of the moon.”


“At the core of what we are seeing today is an assault on Western civilisation. In the West, we have a general moral framework. We share a broad understanding of right and wrong. But our norms and values are under attack. We have abdicated our responsibility to make moral judgements — and evil has started to seep in.

“There will be some who claim that I am overreacting; that those arguing in favour of destigmatising paedophilia and polygamy are small groups who live in the dark corners of Twitter and will never have any real staying power. But the first steps have been taken. The path ahead is clear. As activists like Allyn Walker insinuate themselves into the social justice fold, the ranks of their warped campaigns will swell.

“No matter the context, there will never be anything progressive about paedophilia or polygamy.”[0]=18743&tl_period_type=3&mc_cid=f0358fcc68&mc_eid=22e9ae4a48


“What has happened to Rowling is a high-profile example of what will happen to other women if they don’t toe the line. Unlike Rowling, most women targeted by the extremists are at risk of losing their livelihood. I have been stalked by trans activists for 17 years now. During that time, I have experienced attempts to get me blacklisted from newspapers and magazines and I have lost paid and unpaid work when organisers cancelled events at which I was scheduled to speak. I am one of the lucky ones because I have a public profile and enough of a solid reputation as a campaigner against male violence, something I was known for decades before the trans activists came for me.

“I have lost count of the number of times I have heard said about Rowling that she is rich and famous enough for this harassment to not affect her, so what is she complaining about? The assumption that slurs and bullying can be doled out with impunity at successful women is nothing short of sadistic. Unlike the trans activists, Rowling spends much of her time and money supporting disadvantaged groups of people and has stood up for women who have no public platform, despite the cost to her.

“What has happened to Rowling is a clear warning to other women to ‘shut up, bitch’. But the feminist tradition is to defy bullies and resist attempts at silencing our voices. Thankfully, in Rowling, women and girls everywhere have an exemplary role model and a mentor.”


“Since the Democrats have no viable 2024 candidate, and since Trump’s support remains high, the only way to defeat him is by some non-electoral process. Political prosecutions are not new in America but multi-year political pogroms are. There has never in our history been a more sustained yet unsuccessful judicial effort to oust or destroy one man…Meanwhile, every shot at Trump that misses only increases support among his own followers, as the candidate brags about beating the charges again. When non-supporters begin to ask themselves if indeed Trump is right when he claims persecution, the Dems will have already lost.”


“To start, New York can connect financial assistance to teaching requirements. This is completely constitutional. Even as the state cannot force children into public schools if their parents object to sending them, no state is obligated to support financially any particular religious educational institution (just as it need not support an Amish farm). New York might then require ḥasidic schools to offer certain online classes in order to receive the full amount of a particular grant, e.g., funding for playground equipment. The state might also offer additional support to ḥasidic schools that adopt certain kinds of math curricula, or that limit class sizes for secular subjects. It could provide payments for schools whose students reach certain proficiency levels in English, geometry, or computer science. The government might also provide Internet access in specific classrooms, or purchase parental safeguards for schools that agree to online programming (as many ḥasidic schools may be wary of allowing students broad Internet access). The opportunities are virtually endless; vocational training programs may also work very well.”


“Burnout, better opportunities and concern about being permanently branded a "Harris person" is driving some of the turnover in Vice President Kamala Harris's office…There's been an inordinate amount of disarray — and, now, turnover — throughout her tenure…top Biden officials privately roll their eyes at her team, and want to see smoother, more effective leadership.”


“Whether Hillary Clinton was aware of the crimes committed between 2016 and 2020 to further her political ambitions is a question that may never be answered. What has been proved beyond any shadow of doubt by the U.S. Justice Department over the past few months is that top operatives in her 2016 campaign used concocted falsehoods to leverage active law enforcement officials who in turn used U.S. government programs and resources to spy on the Trump campaign—a violation of American political norms whose only real parallel is Watergate. We also know that under the pretext of “investigating collusion,” at least 40 Obama officials, including then-Vice President Joe Biden, spied on the Trump team. There is circumstantial evidence that Barack Obama knew what was going on, but since, miraculously, no one has ever publicly asked him about Russiagate, not even once, he hasn’t had the opportunity to either lie or come clean.”


“If men could get pregnant,” runs the old feminist refrain, “abortion would be a sacrament.”…In fact, there’s no real data to back up those assumptions. It’s true that women are more likely than men to identify as pro-choice and to say that abortion is an important factor in their voting decisions. But while the gender gap on abortion is real, it’s remarkably small — and arguably non-existent — when you drill down to the specifics beneath the “pro-choice” and “pro-life” labels.”


“The past few weeks have seen a radical change in the outlook for nuclear energy. Coincident with the global COP26 conference, major center-left forces have shifted their position from opposition to support. While a year ago French president Emmanuel Macron was calling for cutting the nuclear fraction of France’s electric power from its current 75 percent down to 50 percent (thereby eliminating the world’s only actually decarbonized major electric-power grid), on November 9 he called for “relaunching construction of nuclear reactors in our country . . . to guarantee France’s energy independence, to guarantee our country’s electricity supply and achieve our objectives, in particular carbon neutrality in 2050.” Whereas a few months ago European Union bureaucrats drawing up the “taxonomy” that defines which energy sources would be considered carbon-free (i.e. valid substitutes for fossil fuels) excluded nuclear power, now nearly all except the fanatical Germanic states have reversed themselves. Indeed, the map of pro- and anti-nuclear Euro­pean countries now closely resembles a map of World War II circa March 1945, shortly before the taking of the Ludendorff Bridge broke the last line of organized resistance in the Reich.


“Mr. Biden’s orange tint is breathtaking. There is always a shift when election rhetoric collides with reality. Yet this goes further, retreating from the notion that every Trump policy was to be met with maximum umbrage. In power, Mr. Biden is discovering that many of Mr. Trump’s policies are sitting well with voters. If only the White House would adopt more of Mr. Trump’s economic and regulatory policies, Mr. Biden might make America great again.”


“BLM is encouraging Americans to boycott white-owned businesses ahead of Christmas and calling the current economic system "white supremacy capitalism.”…”Move your money out of white-corporate banks that finance our oppression and open accounts with Black-owned banks," it added on Instagram. 

“Not only is BLM an anti-American movement, it is a deeply racist one. … Calls to boycott certain businesses because their owners happen to be white shouldn't be tolerated.  Now that it's clear corporate America got fleeced and embraced a blatantly racist organization, will its leaders broadly regret their support for BLM? That's unlikely. After all, they're also happy to be in on the grift.”


“The exaggerations and impractical demands of the global climate movement are frequently excused as useful idiocies, a prod to national leaders to take more ambitious action. But there are other consequences that are far less salutary. … Unfazed by less-than-dystopian assessments, the global climate-industrial complex—a nexus of campaigners, green charities and sustainable-business practitioners who are aided, abetted and amplified by their ideologically (and socially) aligned handmaidens in academia and stenographers in media—has simply moved the goalposts for climate stabilisation…”


“What remains of white supremacy today is ridiculous and marginal: skinheads, the Klan, neo-Nazis. The dangers of their cancerous ideas are documented and understood, and our vigilance is fully justified. …  To compare Jim Crow to requesting voter IDs in Georgia is to implicitly express contempt for the victims of Jim Crow and the men and women who fought against white supremacy.The ideology that now threatens our societies goes by many names: neo-Marxism, intersectionality, Social Justice Theory, Critical Race Theory, anti-racism. I call it “wokeism.” If white supremacists are racist because they put race at the center of all human interaction, what are the woke? … For the woke as for the white supremacist, the white-skinned people are on top — only this time, they’re bad because they’re the top at oppressing other races. And blacks are still placed at the bottom as victims.”


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