Tuesday, March 22, 2022


Concerns over Raskin stem from her long record of advocating the usage of financial regulation to enact climate policy. In a January 2021 Financial Times article, she argued that “this is the time for the US to use its financial regulatory apparatus . . . to support and guide the market’s need for a reassessment of asset values.” The reassessment she had in mind involved allowing “US financial agencies to lend the strength of their diverse mandates in solving overlapping economic, health and climate crises.””



“In the “Don’t Say Gay” controversy, DeSantis isn’t relitigating what happened in the last election; he is freshly litigating a defense against a cutting-edge progressive cause. He isn’t defending the indefensible; he’s defending the eminently defensible, in fact the unfairly maligned. He isn’t dragging anyone through a fight occasioned by his personal failings or dubious practices; he’s standing up for a well-considered conservative initiative.  And he isn’t winging it and jousting with reporters who know more about the contested topic than he does; no, on this and pretty much everything else, he knows more than any of his antagonists. So DeSantis opens up a vista offering an important element of Trumpism without the baggage or selfishness of Trump.” 



“It’s just so predictable that the latest line from the liberal media regarding Trump and Russia is that Putin should have invaded sooner now that the world has seen Joe Biden as an effete president. So, liberal America, we’re rooting for a Russian conquest of Ukraine to prove our obsession with Trump is not delusional or a sign of mental illness?”



“Israel needs to pick up the sword and should throw off the failed Western conceptual shackles of trying to pacify its enemies, and seek a victory over Palestinian violent rejectionism and terror once and for all. Then then, and only then, will there be peace.  History has shown it is foolish to believe otherwise.”



“It is not doing Putin’s work for him to observe frankly that there are extremist elements fighting against him in Ukraine: indeed, it is only by carefully monitoring — and perhaps, curtailing — their activities now, that we can ensure they will not deepen Ukraine’s misery in the years to come. For years, liberal Western commentators complained that the Ukrainian state was turning a blind eye to its Right-wing extremist factions: it serves no good purpose for the same commentators to now do the same thing themselves…Right now, Ukraine and Zelenskyy may well need the military capabilities and ideological zeal of nationalist and extreme Right-wing militias simply to fight and win their battle for national survival. But when the war ends, both Zelenskyy and his Western backers must be very careful to ensure that they have not empowered groups whose goals are in direct conflict with the liberal-democratic norms they both pledge adherence to. Arming and funding Azov, Tradition and Order and Karpatska Sich may well be one of the hard choices forced by war, but disarming them must surely be a priority when the war ends.”



“The perception that Russia is a masculine, white, Christian country unafraid to stand up for its traditions forms part of its appeal to conservative populist thinkers. … Yet any honest appraisal of Putin’s Russia would reveal that its religiosity is weak, immigration substantial, and the Eurasianism of Putin and Alexandr Dugin would readily trade cultural homogeneity for more territory. … Populist elites also appear to like Russia because it has spurned liberalism, failing to appreciate that wokeness, whose sacralisation of minorities is used to restrict liberty, is best resisted by liberal arguments. They confuse procedural liberalism, which has been vital for the West’s success, with Left-modernist values such as celebrating diversity and change, which developed much later and are not central to liberalism.”



“Is this man stupid? A couple of years ago, I wouldn’t have said so. A couple of years ago, I voted for him in the Labour leadership contest, not because I thought he would be brilliant, but because I imagined he would at least be adequate. My expectations weren’t high, but they’ve still been disappointed. Last week he showed himself to be either stupid, or so committed to an extreme ideology that he has lost sight of its disastrous impact on women.”



“Jussie Smollett, for all his pathetic courtroom squealing, is an entitled, narcissistic, arrogant, lying, hypocritical, race-baiting douchebag… and his despicable actions were the inevitable consequence of a virtue-signalling society that celebrates & rewards victimhood.”



“The future Russian regime, for Solzhenitsyn, could not be a liberal democratic one imported from the West, but one shaped by an understanding of Russia’s dangerous geopolitical situation and particular history. The latter, Sakharov bitterly summarised, seemed to have taught Solzhenitsyn that “when accompanied by respect for law and by Orthodoxy the authoritarian system was not all that bad.”  Where he had argued that the Tsars tolerated dissident intellectuals and religious minorities (including Jews), historians observed that this was a fantasy.”



“Opposing supposed tokenism was central to the arguments of those rejecting George H.W. Bush’s nomination of Clarence Thomas to succeed Thurgood Marshall on the Supreme Court. The concept has faded from general discussion of race issues, but still manages to pop up in conversations about Black Republicans, particularly Black supporters of Donald Trump. But on matters leftward, we instead talk of equity. We constantly hear the phrase “representation matters.”  Too often, we forge this equity by tokenizing people of color, declaring that we have achieved the proper representation after pretending that race or ethnicity entails alternate conceptions of excellence from those we unquestioningly expect of everyone else. And I think much of the motivation for that pretense is to allow white teachers and administrators to inoculate themselves against the accusation that they’re denying the existence and impact of racism. Maybe that helps them, but that’s another kind of low expectation.”



According to the poll, 68 percent of likely San Francisco primary voters said they will vote to recall Boudin, including 71 percent of voters over 50, and 64 percent of Democrats in the politically progressive city. Seventy-eight percent of respondents gave Boudin a negative job performance rating. The poll of 800 likely voters was conducted by Oakland-based EMC Research and paid for by Safer SF Without Boudin, the group behind the recall.”



“What else do the journalists at the well-sourced, well-funded, well-connected newspapers know that they are not telling us right now? We know that the reporters and editors at the major outlets work hand-in-hand with the Left’s main PR firms — SKD Knickerbocker and Fusion GPS, for example. What stories do people in those circles know about but keep to themselves?”



Now, of course, it's all one big Never Mind. Except no one can go back and undo the damage Twitter and Facebook did. And the power the two social media giants exercised only served to heighten their already-strong inclination for censorship and cancellation. In the end, the new New York Times story on Hunter Biden says a little about Hunter Biden and a lot about some deeply troubling trends in our media world.”



“… last month, we learned that in 1996, Jackson wrote a “Note” for the Harvard Law Review arguing that convicted sex offenders were treated “unfairly” in the courts…Jackson continued to work on behalf of Gitmo terrorists after returning to private practice, working on “Supreme Court amicus briefs in cases related to Guantánamo Bay detainees including Boumediene v. Bush, on behalf of groups supporting challenging the Defense Department’s detention review system.””



“In January 2020, Jackson gave a lecture to the University of Michigan Law School as part of its Martin Luther King, Jr. Day celebration. In a speech on “Black Women Leaders In The Civil Rights Movement Era And Beyond,” Jackson said she took inspiration from one of the works of the late Derrick Bell, who is often touted as the godfather of CRT…During her lecture, Jackson also highlighted The New York Times’ “1619 Project” and its architect, “acclaimed investigative journalist” Nikole Hannah-Jones.”



“ It has always been obvious that a federal investigation of Hunter Biden, assuming it was a serious one, had to be far more expansive than his tax problems. And sure enough, the Times is now reporting what was knowable but largely concealed before the 2020 election: The Justice Department probe, which is being run out of Delaware by David C. Weiss, the Trump-appointed U.S. attorney (who started in that office under President Bush-43 and was interim U.S. attorney for two years under President Obama), is a serious one.  A grand jury is hearing testimony and scrutinizing documents.”



“[Shibly] lso seems to legitimize undeniably bad actors, such as the Taliban, Al Qaeda in Iraq, and Hamas by comparing them to the efforts of the Ukrainian government and its president, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, to defend its citizens from an invading army that attacked without provocation…In April 2021, National Public Radio reported on numerous accusations of sexual harassment that preceded his resignation as executive director of CAIR’s Florida chapter.”



“Gelatinous mediocrity Max Boot laid out the template in an amazing 2017 Foreign Policy article entitled, “2017 Was the Year I Learned About My White Privilege.” From a man whose book Out of Order argued that judges got the desegregation ruling in Brown v. Board of Education wrong, and said Miranda just “set the guilty free,” it was rich stuff.  “He just saw how easy it would be to launder his reputation,” says writer Wesley Yang, “by writing this column about how after Charlottesville, he’s been introspecting and realizes he’s a privileged white man.”  Tens of neocon peers followed Boot in showing fealty to new masters, usually by denouncing former Republican allies in required lingo. Bill Kristol saying Trumpian sex scandals are “bringing out my inner feminist” or calling Steve King a “white supremacist” hit correct notes, as did former Bush speechwriter Michael Gerson, the man who coined the “soft bigotry of low expectations” phrase, writing a Washington Post column called, “The GOP is now just the party of white grievance.”  Democrat-friendly media reciprocated with fawning portraits of “Woke Bill Kristol” (in an inspired homage to cross-species friendship videos, MSNBC showed “Woke” Bill out on the town with Fat Joe) as well as ballwashing paeans to once-hated George W. Bush as a symbol of lost “norms.” Mother Jones went so far as to lionize “hero” Liz Cheney, forgiving her for having once called DOJ lawyers who represented Gitmo detainees the “Al Qaeda Seven,” and even for having sought “to undermine bedrock Democratic institutions like the rule of law.””



“Judge Laurence Silberman of the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals emailed all Article III judges on Thursday, according to Lat, following news that about 100 Yale Law School students protested a panel discussion on civil liberties…The Yale panel in question was designed to show that speakers from different political and cultural positions could both support free speech. The panel’s speakers were Monica Miller, the legal director of the American Humanist Association, and Kristen Waggoner, the general counsel for Alliance Defending Freedom.  Yale law professor Kate Stith attempted to tell demonstrators not to interrupt the panel, with one protester telling Stith she would “literally fight you, bitch.” Stith responded that the demonstrators should “grow up.”  After demonstrators left the room at Stith’s urging, the students stomped on the floor, banged walls and shouted in an attempt to disrupt the panel.”


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