Monday, May 23, 2022


“Freeland could have simply and honestly acknowledged this disturbing aspect of her grandfather’s legacy and moved on—plenty of contemporary German officials with troubled family histories are perfectly capable of doing so—but instead she has used it as an opportunity to sow fear and mistrust about foreign threats to Canadian democracy….[In] 2022, Freeland defended the Liberal government’s decision to freeze the bank accounts of those who participated in and supported the so-called Freedom Convoy to Ottawa…it was hard not to notice Freeland’s enthusiasm for citing “disinformation” to justify the use of extraordinary state powers against domestic political opponents while simultaneously leveraging the specter of “disinformation” to whitewash her own family history—all in the name of democracy…in a country like Canada, where the historical suppression of Nazi collaborationism has not only been tolerated but insisted upon at the highest levels of office, voters have every right to wonder about the person who many believe will be our next prime minister.”

Canada’s Future Prime Minister Needs to Come Clean About Her Nazi Collaborationist Grandfather


“Stockpiling the right weapons and deterrence are only two of the benefits of planning ahead and learning from the Ukraine war. A third element is that, by building up the defenses of partners and working more closely with them to deter adversaries, the U.S. can reduce the chances of war breaking out. This would mean that Washington could concentrate on domestic crises, such as inflation, and focus on one conflict at a time…U.S. partners and allies express concern that the U.S. no longer is focused enough on their interests in places such as the Middle East. Providing the right defense systems could help to assuage these complaints.  Better to do that than to wait for the next threat to emerge and then try to rush missile interceptors or anti-tank weapons abroad.”

The best defense against another Ukraine crisis is weapons stockpiles for allies


The homogenizing done under the sign "Arab" is complicated by the fact that the majority of Arab Amer­icans until the decades after the Arab-Israeli War of 1967 and perhaps even now were and are Arab Christians from Lebanon, Syria, and Pal­estine—many of whom do not consider themselves Arab. Arab Ameri­can studies as a scholarly endeavor is constantly inventing a people and deconstructing its own invention.”

Arab American Women: Representation and Refusal

Reviewed by Daniel Pipes


Americans are now entering uncharted, revolutionary territory. They may witness things over the next five months that once would have seemed unimaginable…Ruling elites would rather be politically correct failures and unpopular than politically incorrect, successful, and popular.  Is that not the tired story of left-wing revolutionaries from 18th-century France to early 20th-century Russia to the contemporary disasters in Cuba and Venezuela?  The American people reject the calamitous policies of 2021-2022. Yet the radical cadres surrounding a cognitively inert Biden still push them through by executive orders, bureaucratic directives, and deliberate cabinet nonperformance.”

Imagine the unimaginable


”The team is owned by the Qatari state through its sovereign wealth fund, and Qatar itself has come under scrutiny amid concerns from the gay community about their safety when the World Cup takes place in the Gulf country later this year. Homosexuality is against the law in Qatar, as it is in other countries in the Gulf, but World Cup organizers have insisted that all fans would be welcome during the tournament.  Same-sex acts are also illegal in Gueye’s native Senegal, where ultraconservative groups have burned rainbow flags during public protests against homosexuality.”

P.S.G. Player Refuses to Wear Rainbow Jersey


“When conservatives control the denomination, the liberals — who want to ordain women and gays, abandon the traditional sexual ethic, and deconstruct the historic dogmas — beg for dialogue. When the liberals gain power…dialogue is no longer on offer. The vanquished conservatives are fundamentalist bigots, after all. It would be wrong to give them a platform.”

Here’s to the Christian knuckle-draggers


"Andrew fully expects to be rehabilitated. He's not even accepted that he's going to have to have a quiet few years.  [He] believes strongly that he can get back and I'm told that this is something that he's obsessed with and that he believes that this is going to happen. That over due time he will get back into the mix and of course, his mother right now is the best route as he sees it because the queen's stature is such that no one is going to say to her 'you cannot see your son' and even though she has no desire now to have him seen with her on balconies and understands, knows and wishes for him not to be part of that he can keep pushing his face in."

Andrew 'Obsessed' With Making Royal Return, Using Queen to Do It


“Leftist pro-abortion group Ruth Sent Us has had its TikTok account “permanently banned” after publishing what it claimed were the home addresses of the Supreme Court’s six conservative justices online as part of an organized “walk-by protest” earlier this month…While TikTok did not specify what content posted by Ruth Sent Us was deemed inadmissible, the group has faced intense backlash this month for using intimidation tactics to pressure the justices to uphold Roe, potentially jeopardizing their safety and the integrity of the Court.”

Pro-Abortion Group ‘Permanently Banned’ from TikTok after Doxing Supreme Court Justices


“What we need to remember is how much of a failure these regulatory actions have been. The federal government sliced AT&T to ribbons in 1982 only to see most of them recombine over the years into, you guessed it, AT&T. Those that didn’t rejoin Ma Bell became Verizon and Lumen aka CenturyLink… It’s not worth putting an unelected board in charge of Big Tech. All that will do is ensure that Big Tech remains Big Tech. And that’s exactly the kind of market centralization that progressives like Bennet claim to want to combat.”

Say no to Democrats’ latest attack on Big Tech


[H]ere's from the Department of Homeland Security, 'Disinformation is defined as false information that is deliberately spread with the intention to deceive or mislead,'" Maher quoted the DHS.  "Well, you could have said that about ‘If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor,’" Maher suggested, recalling Obama's vow that was proclaimed "Lie of the Year" by PolitiFact in 2013.”

Bill Maher Cites Obama's Big Lie When Warning Liberals About Biden's Thought Police


“For the sport of swimming, the inclusion of transgender people on the grounds of fairness cannot co-exist in the current competitive model. Swimming should choose to offer competition in which the female category is protected for reasons of competitive fairness.”

Position Statement on Transgender Swimming


“In front-page essay in WSJ weekend review, distinguished Yale law prof Akhil Amar (liberal who “supports abortion rights”) offers lots of praise for Alito draft in Dobbs, refutes critics. Alito ruling would *not* threaten other precedents, he explains.”

The End of Roe v. Wade


“Unlike other mass shootings, like Boulder in 2021 and the most recent New York City subway shooting, this one will remain in the news. Gendron is white. He's racist. He's everything the liberal media wants when an incident like this occurs. Boulder's mass shooting was committed by a Syrian. The New York Subway shooter was black. Both stories vanished into the ether rapidly because they didn't fit the liberal narrative. Yet, there's another common element with this story: the shooter exhibited red flags that authorities knew about but did nothing.”

'It's Just Incompetence': There Were Red Flags Everywhere With the Buffalo Shooter


“TPD said Vinik's ex-wife told law enforcement officials that the couple have been allowing the 15-year-old to live with them in their home. She reported that the 29-year-old and the 15-year-old have been co-sleeping together and she recently found Vinik's 'underwear hidden under a pillow on the bed' the student had been sleeping in."  The Tucson-based news outlet also said that police seized cell phones through a search warrant, which "revealed inappropriate messages between the two that supports a sexual/romantic relationship.””

Woke Arizona high school counselor, who helped organize drag show for students, arrested and accused of having sex with 15-year-old girl


Americans have long understood the need for the separation of church and state, even if the line has gotten blurred over the years. Now they need to start thinking about the line between mosque and state. In particular, they need to confront the problem of taxpayer funds being handed to Islamist organizations in the United States.”

Don’t Fund Jihad, Even by Accident


“"You can lead a man to the presidency, but you can't make him think," Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) said on Fox News Tuesday morning during an interview about a resolution he and GOP colleagues introduced to get the Biden administration to focus on the real crises facing Americans.”

Sen Kennedy Drops Another Golden Biden One-Liner


"Marli Brown and Lacey Smith said the airline posted an article about its support for the Equality Act to an internal employee message board and solicited comments. The two “felt compelled by their Christian faith to post one comment each, asking about the impact of the Equality Act on civil rights for religion and women in the workplace.”  Alaska Airlines immediately removed their posts, removed them from their flight schedules, and fired them.  Brown and Smith sued the airline for terminating them and the flight attendants’ union for failing to protect them.  Alaska Airlines called the fired flight attendants’ comments discriminatory, hateful, and offensive. Brown and Smith said in their complaint that religion is a protected class, but the airline doesn’t think so."

These Flight Attendants Said They Were Fired for Questioning Alaska Airlines’ Support for the Equality Act


“Iran's regime believes that China is the future, and it wants to be untethered from relying on the West. But the West is perhaps weathering the economic storm better and also has different pandemic policies geared to opening up, while China is closing down. Iran didn't count on this, and now it is facing real troubles.”

Iran Facing Economic Uncertainty


 “It is of some interest that the liberal-leaning Brookings Institution finds that the share of “hate crimes” committed by whites in the United States is slightly below the white share of the population (non-Hispanic whites make up about 61 percent of the U.S. population and about 55 percent of the hate-crime perpetrators) while African Americans make up a disproportionately high share of the hate-crime offenders (about 12 percent of the population and 21 percent of the hate-crime perpetrators), figures that mirror the National Institute of Justice’s data about mass shootings (52.3 percent white perpetrators, 20.9 percent black perpetrators). It doesn’t seem likely that the numbers would break that way if hate crimes and mass shootings in the United States were primarily the product of white-supremacist ideology.”

Even Our White Supremacists Aren’t Very Interested in White Supremacy


“The gist of the Lorenz piece is that the Disinformation Governance Board was always a good idea, there was never a legitimate criticism of having a U.S. law-enforcement agency establish a new effort to define and police “disinformation,” Jankowicz did nothing wrong, and all of the criticism of her and the board is based on lies . . . and yet the Biden administration pulled the plug anyway. That version of events doesn’t make a lick of sense. (You might even call it “disinformation.”)”

Since When Does the Biden Team Quit in the Face of Conservative Criticism?


“"After filing a complaint, she says she received a response “right away” and was able to speak with someone representing the pediatric clinic. When she expressed her concerns about the questioning, she says she was told that the questions were recently added to the physical exams because of an increase in teens identifying as transgender and mental-health issues and that the doctors can’t assume a child’s pronouns anymore.  Kinzbrunner asked the representative if there aren’t better ways to screen for mental-health issues — that are common outside of transgender and sexual identity — and was told that the questions were added on because of the current social norms."

Parent Says Walter Reed Pediatrician Questioned Teen about Gender Identity, Sexual Orientation


“[L]et’s be honest: diversity is a cover. The real goal of the DEI brigade is to politicize what should be one of the most concrete and objective disciplines: engineering. While the “diversity” programs at Stanford’s School of Engineering may not actually achieve stated diversity goals and progressive hopes, don’t think that they aren’t making progress in the real agenda of eroding meritocracy.”

Woke Watch: Stanford Engineering’s DEI Bureaucracy


“We were also perplexed when the Administration’s response to sky high gas prices was to plead with OPEC to produce and sell more oil, while working to lift sanctions on Iranian and Venezuelan exports.

White House officials have reportedly discussed a Presidential visit to Saudi Arabia to press for more production of their oil, and exports to the US.  Oil that is used to buy cluster bombs dropped on Yemeni civilians. 

“Senators, Calgary is a lot closer to Washington than Riyadh.  And you don’t need the US Navy’s Fifth Fleet to patrol the Great Lakes.  To quote former Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer, “we don’t have to send the National Guard into Alberta.””

Alberta Premier Mocks Biden for Refusing Canadian Oil: 'You Don’t Need the U.S. Navy's Fifth Fleet to Patrol the Great Lakes'


What Pelosi just did is a repeat of the 1970s when Congress gave the White House the power to enact gas rationing. Time magazine declared in 1974 that happiness was “a full tank” as Americans tried to make sure they had enough fuel amid shortages and gas lines. President Jimmy Carter gave his “moral equivalent of war” speech in 1979, saying that the US was running out of fuel and that sacrifices were necessary even if it “will lead to some higher costs, and to some greater inconveniences for everyone.” Yet rationing ultimately stifled the economy even further as independent gas stations went out of business because they had no product. The failed policy didn’t end until 1981.”

Everyone hates Nancy Pelosi’s gas bill


“Perhaps spotlights are bad when they’re aimed at Democrats. If so, I have a fix for the Post’s motto. How about, “The Democratic Party Thrives in Darkness”?”

So Long, Disinfo Nanny


Unburdened by ties with unions, public bureaucracies, and the academy, the Right can reimagine institutions and arrangements in ways the Left cannot. As the party of the campus crazies and the paymaster for the education establishment, the Democrats have little choice but to placate the base and subsidize the status quo. This sets up principled conservatives to take the high ground on a sheaf of 70–30 kitchen-table issues. 

The Right’s policy agenda should be rooted in five principles.

  • Extend educational choice.
  • Empower parents.
  • Defend shared values. 
  • Promote excellence.
  • Bust the college cartel. 

On Education, Democrats Are Losing Voter Support


“The failure of the federal case against Oracle had wide-ranging repercussions. For one thing, the firm moved its headquarters out of Redwood City to Austin, Texas within months of the judge’s decision. Oracle announced a move in the same week as Tesla, which was destined to be targeted by some of the same lawyers who’d worked the Oracle case. CEO Elon Musk told the Wall Street Journal that California regulators had begun behaving like a “monopoly that cannot go bankrupt,” preaching a religion that “regulations are immortal,” while adding the following acid commentary: If a team has been winning for too long, they do tend to get a little complacent, a little entitled and then they don’t win the championship anymore. California has been winning for too long.”

The Lawyers Who Ate California: Part II

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