Thursday, September 18, 2008

Palintology vs. Obama-ssianism

Palin's presence on the ticket is such that many voters have been entranced by her enough to ignore the "scarier" elements of her political agenda. Even liberals--especially liberal women--are taken in (read the most recent Newsweek). That's why the hard Left and the Obamaniacs are so up in arms: she is not only a "heretic" (as an "anti-feminist" woman) who stands as a rebuke against everything they stand for (see: Eve Ensler, Matt Damon), but she has stolen Obama's charisma factor from right under him. Not to mention that she reopens the gender-race battle that Obama thought he'd already won.

Also, if Democrats are hoping that the current economic crisis will spell electroal success fro them the way it did in 1992, they aren;t paying attention. Only the hard Left has really been able to effectively tag McCain as W's inevitable third term; Wall Street's straits might elicit some stronger anti-corporate and anti-capitalist schadenfreude among the American public, but any real socialist-influenced advocacy of soaking the rich will be blunted by the message that there is nothing left to collect from.

I wrote off McCain way too early (in particular, in Republi-Karma). This is no longer Obama's election to lose.

1 comment:

Moshe said...

Love John. Sarah being a heartbeat away from the presidency scares the snot out of me. But John did what he needed to do to energize thevRepublican base, and it's working!