Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Gazans elected Hamas

Again, Naomi Ragen says it better than me—or almost anybody.

"Gazans elected Hamas, and now Hamas has put weapons in mosques, and boobytrapped their homes. Hamas steals humanitarian food shipments, the ones Israel lets through even during rocket attacks on her civilians, distributing it to armed terrorists, and making civilians pay. There was never a more debased and barbarian movement than that of Hamas, whose leadership sits in bunkers sending out terrorists to fire rockets at Israeli schools from the midst of Palestinian schools, hoping that an Israeli retaliation will provide enough bodies for the world to demand a ceasefire, so that they can claim their victory, get their payoffs from the Iranian mullahs, and rearm. They will never give up, because they don't know how to do anything else. Like Nazis, these Islamic fanatics make peace impossible and unconditional defeat the only option."

How Hamas is raising Gaza's children (no explanation necessary)

1 comment:

spaghetticode said...

Note that Hamas won a plurality, not a majority, in the vote. So less than half of the voting Palestinian body politic has, in this way, declared war.