Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Multiple Offsetting Fouls: Foul II--Everyone's an enabler

Last September, after the Billy Bush "grab 'em" tapes went viral, Jonathan Tobin wrote

"...many [] on the right—including those who specifically present themselves to the public as religious conservatives—no longer seem to think virtue is a prerequisite for the presidency...many of these same people who spoke about the impact of the death of outrage with regard to [Bill] Clinton are now willing to rationalize Trump’s egregious behavior makes their hypocrisy even worse than that of their liberal counterparts."

Whatever moral high ground these ostensible "liberals" had has been leveled by the Harvey Weinstein revelations.  Consider that an entire industry almost uniformly dedicated to taking one side in the culture wars and the attendant politics has not only not been practicing what it preaches, but enabling for decades one of its primary drivers and bundlers who, as he started to finally realize that the game was up, tried to throw out a lifeline with a pathetic "we're on the same side!" shout.  It was interesting to see that a couple of his ostensible remaining "allies" tried to mitigate his situation using slut-shaming and "think-of-the-family" tropes that they and their ilk usually ascribe to those on the other side of the culture war.   [DKNY already was on #GrabYourWallet, so maybe Karan had nothing to lose.]

If there ever is a third "Clinton" ticket, it wouldn't feature Chelsea as the candidate.

The most Clintonesque ticket would comprise Harvey Weinstein and Anthony Weiner.

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