“Canada is not like the United States. … The Canadian Charter gives citizens certain rights, explicitly. If a government can grant rights, there is no justification for them not being able to take them away, temporarily or permanently. … We don’t obey in this country. At least, we don’t all obey in this country. And we have our Constitution to back us up. The Constitution can’t be “set aside” like the Charter in Canada, unless, of course, Democrats had enough justices on the Supreme Court (thank God they do not).”
“I myself do not particularly sympathize with the aims or the tactics of the protesters in Canada. I don’t care much for unruly mobs of any persuasion. But even so, it is impossible not to see the plain fact that these protesters are being targeted not for their practical effect or their tactics but for their beliefs and for the sort of people they are, that an obvious double standard is at play, and that this is deeply illiberal. A politically neutral police effort to open the roads and protect the rights of property and travel would be one thing, but this is the opposite: far from politically neutral, and intended to narrow social life and political discourse rather than to keep them open. When the laws are enforced exclusively (or with extra vigor) against political enemies, that is not law enforcement — that is political repression.”
“Martin Luther King Jr. imagined a future where “…[m]ore and more, economic, social, and professional status will be more decisive in determining a man’s orientation than the color of his skin.” The blue stack’s vision is the opposite of King’s. Its goal is not to discard race as the primary means of classifying human beings but to reinforce and magnify it. The Biden administration, the government wing of the blue stack, has adopted a posture of defending racially discriminatory college admissions policies, despite their deep unpopularity with the public… Part of this utterly shocking development can be understood as the Democratic Party feeling threatened by racial depolarization. The GOP made real gains with minority voters in 2020; further gains might deny the Democrats the demographic majority they’ve long been promised. One of the problems with the blue stack’s racial fear tactics is that white racism has in fact been declining for decades. Hence, as the president claims that we’re on the cusp of “Jim Crow 2.0,” the blue stack is nevertheless forced to target its enemies for vocalizing a bad word rather than actually using that word to demean a human being.”
“Some might view it as a mistake, but I believe it was the entire point of the study: Alarm might boost flagging vaccine uptake in kids.”
"Though Smith has not been asked to design such a wedding site and has not yet included wedding site design in her offerings, she challenged pieces of Colorado’s anti-discrimination law in federal court in 2016. She argued at the time that the law, which prohibits businesses from denying services based on a person’s sexual orientation and bans businesses from advertising that they will deny services based on sexual orientation, is in violation of her company’s free speech and free exercise rights under the First Amendment."
“By invoking the Emergencies Act and casting a wide net in pursuit of a narrow goal, the Trudeau government has recklessly exposed thousands of Canadians to prospective financial ruin and gross violations of privacy. This illiberal turn is something Canadians should speak out against — even if it risks having their names put on a government list.”
“The Spanish Republicans beat Franco in the spin war, hands down, and the Abyssinians certainly trounced Mussolini. In 1939, Poland absolutely crushed the combined forces of the Third Reich and the Soviet Union in the spin war, and after the Nazis bombed Rotterdam, the Dutch gave Hitler one hell of a spin-war beating. That said, none of these conflicts turned out well for the spin-war victors.”
“Does all this mean that we should not take into account Russia’s feeling of being surrounded, mistreated, humiliated? I think that this humiliation is a myth. … And I believe that the legend of Russian humiliation is the last trap that must be avoided. This is what the next red lines should be…Beyond that would reign a diplomacy that, true to the etymology of the word, would consist of bowing obsequiously before force. The same causes producing the same effects, it would be the return of the terrible 20th century.”
“What do you call a Rutgers law professor who is ignorant of basic facts about her field, but who claims expertise on critical race theory, "racializing Muslims," the "expansion of whiteness" and "Islamophobia?" … Aziz [is] a prime example of how woke academics substitute trendy theories and impenetrable vocabularies for knowledge of their presumed field.”
“While Putin may take part or even all of Ukraine, his dreams of rebuilding the Soviet Union are effectively dead. NATO will not stand for an incursion into the Baltics or Romania and Bulgaria, and it would be a general war if Putin tried. His energy leverage should be at an end if Europe reacts appropriately. He may still produce gas, but by his overplaying of his weak hand, he has reduced himself to a partnership with China, one in which Xi Jinping will be the senior partner. Putin’s Russia will continue to shrink in influence, perhaps brandishing its nuclear weapons about from time to time to attract attention, but its moment has passed with this impetuous public display of intemperate behavior, a point that will not go unnoticed among the powerful and wealthy oligarchs who both depend upon and support Vladimir Putin. As they lose property and wealth to sanctions, their pain could become his pain, and the condition could be terminal in his case. Many Russian czars experienced untimely demises.”
“Why Canada Will Become a Dictatorship Under Trudeau,” read the [2015] headline, which appeared in the now defunct HuffPost Canada section. The original story ran in the Prince Arthur Herald, but has since been removed. “It's becoming clearer as the days of Trudeau's Liberals wear on: if elected Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau would turn Canada into a dictatorship,” read the first line. The author pointed to Trudeau’s open admiration for China’s “basic dictatorship,” the way he runs the Liberal Party, his requirement that members vote pro-choice, and the expulsion of “Senate Liberals," as but a few examples.”
“The Devil’s next finest trick, it seems, is to persuade us that the First Amendment doesn’t actually exist…[a]t Newsweek, Turning Point USA’s Charlie Kirk has written one of the most foolish, self-serving, hypocritical, illiterate, and counterproductive columns I’ve read in a good long while. “The First Amendment has long been a bedrock principle of my worldview,” Kirk begins, before proceeding to demonstrate that, in fact, it has been nothing of the sort. “There are legitimate legal limits to expression,” he writes. “Some things are so objectionable — even downright evil — that they don’t merit society’s protection.” Specifically, Kirk objects to what he describes as the “one ‘substantive evil’” that “Americans can all agree to prevent: worshiping Satan.”
“Some Western pundits seem to regard Putin as an evil genius, a tactical mastermind who’ll outsmart us all. Maybe. But it seems more plausible that Putin is just an ordinary human being who’s been alone in his echo chamber too long to hear any sounds from the outside — a man who’s been wearing the goggles of power until he can no longer see anything but his virtual reality. This makes Putin more dangerous, not less.”
Mask Mandates May Not Stop COVID-19, But They Do Prevent The Spread Of These 10 Other Things
1) Ugly Person Sightings: Whew!
2) Celebrity Sightings: Even worse than an ugly person sighting.
3) Procreation: Since we know kissing makes babies and babies destroy the planet, this is great news.
4) Freedom: The dangerous alt-right love of "freedom" must never be allowed to spread.
5) Kids learning how to speak properly: Kids should be seen and not heard.
6) Obnoxious hipster mustaches: It was high time for these to go anyway.
7) The DROPLETS: No! Not the droplets! SAVE US FROM THE DROPLETS!!
8) Mouthed warnings to your kids that you're going to kill them if they don't stop acting like idiots in a public place: We had to do a lot of pinching instead.
9) Talking tough while holding a toothpick in your mouth: Thank God this toxically masculine practice is over.
10) Empathy: Empathy makes us feel for dangerous enemies of the state. No longer!
“I once took a class in which the professor claimed that Duke Ellington was the first Black classical composer. Never mind that this simply isn’t true. The professor, truth to tell, had been brought in as a last-minute sub and was in a little over his head. He perhaps did not know about Joseph Boulogne, William Grant Still, William Levi Dawson and others. But the problem was treating Ellington as a classical composer, as opposed to the genius that he was at doing what he did: jazz. Or simply music, as he preferred to think of his work, just as his fellow genius Louis Armstrong did.”
“Robinson wanted black athletes to be taken just as seriously as whites at the national level. He fought for that right with quiet determination. He did so on behalf of other black athletes. Today, it is female athletes who are fighting for the right to be taken seriously. They are the ones whose rights are being trampled on, who face humiliation and bullying. That’s why the real Jackie Robinsons are the young female athletes such as Selina Soule who have taken a stand against this sexist injustice.”
“Reports from Vienna of Russian-facilitated progress with the negotiations in recent weeks must have come as welcome news in Washington, given the Biden administration’s prioritization of getting back into the JCPOA and the need to manufacture a diplomatic win for a struggling presidency. In fact, they may well have effectively acted as a blind to Moscow’s real intentions toward Ukraine if the U.S. team in Vienna has been praising their Russian counterparts as constructive partners in reaching a new deal.”
“We all knew about the Russian buildup near Ukraine for months. They’ve had some 100,000 troops near the border for quite some time as Putin gamed out the predictable response from the West. So, what does Joe Biden do? When he’s not asleep, whispering like a creeper into the microphone, or forgetting where he is, he decided to reach out to another one of our adversaries, China. We shared information about the buildup, wanted China to help avert a war, and Beijing told us to screw off. Oh, and they shared their intelligence we presented them to the Russians…”