Tuesday, February 15, 2022


MAHER: How much wrong do you get to be while still holding the default setting for people who represent The Science? Eat eggs, then don't, then do. Take aspirin, then don't then do. The food pyramid. Really? Bread and milk every day? Okay, you do you.

15 years ago, they were recommending transfats. Now they're illegal. Just like almost 100 prescription drugs that were once called safe and effective and then yanked off the market because they were not...

We've had this problem in medicine for a long time. The same people who in private care always say "get a second opinion" want to allow only one in the public debate. But plainly, the Medical Industrial Complex has not earned the right to claim monopoly status on information about this virus or medicine in general.

Yes, free speech has allowed people to hear misinformation sometimes. And a lot of it was yours.



“The moment you are not criticizing Israel but demonizing it, using double standards against it, or delegitimizing it, it is not simply being critical of Israel and Zionism at large, but being an anti-Semite….Israel and Judaism hold the exact same values as Christian values-driven Hungary”



15 Fun Communist-Themed Olympic Events At Beijing This Year

1) Uyghur Luge: Competitors slide down the side of a mountain on a live Uyghur prisoner. Radical!

2) Uyghur Biathlon: Exactly like the standard Ski and Shoot Biathlon, but you shoot Uyghurs.

3) Competitive Virus Making: A competitor from Wuhan is the current favorite.

4) Men's Cross Country Lab Leak: A companion event to Competitive Virus Making. Athletes are judged on time and plausible deniability.

5) iPhone Factory Roof Diving: Featuring celebrity judge Tim Cook of Apple!

6) Social Credit Scoring: But if you lose you get shot.

7) Winnie the Pooh Lookalike Competition: This is just one part of a larger Pooh Triathalon. Features a honey eating contest and slalom race.

8) Mixed Doubles Soup Rationing: Male and female teammates see how long they can make one bowl of soup last between them. Points are deducted for dying.

9) Women's Vanishing Tennis: A variant on mixed couples. But you get shot.

10) Synchronized Censorship: Work in harmony to make popular Hollywood films even better!

11) Men's Snowboard: It's like waterboarding, but with snow.

12) Women's Downhill Sterilization: Not to be confused with Women's Sterilization Jump.

13) Bobsled Across Border To Freedom: It's like the standard bobsled event. But you get shot.

14) Kneeling Before President Xi (On Ice!): Half figure skating, half oppression, all fun!

15) Men's Short Track Celebration Of The Centenary Of The Great And Glorious Chinese Communist Party Looking Toward The Bright Prospects For The Rejuvenation Of The Chinese Nation: But you get shot.



“Black Lives Matter is turning into an oft-told tale: Big piles of cash wrapped in moral fervor invite corruption. And the more the cause is deemed beyond questioning, the faster the scammers move in….Vast giving by deep-pocketed donors linked to Facebook, Twitter and Netflix — as well as by corporations rushing to show the “right” political consciousness — may have funded rank peculation by those entrusted with the funds.

“The outfit has failed to file taxes for 2020, the year it raised tens of millions after George Floyd’s death at police hands and the rioting and protests that followed. It has no official leader overseeing its $60 million war chest after its co-founder resigned in May.  And that co-founder, Patrisse Cullors-Khan, is tied to several other fundraising organizations whose finances raise “potential red flags,” New York magazine reports. Meanwhile, she’s been on a personal real estate buying spree, while BLM funds transferred to a Canadian nonprofit run by her spouse have gone for other dubious purchases.”



“[P]olitics isn't about the in-betweens; it's about pandering to the extremes, either for votes, money, or both. That's why the radical left has embraced Republican Liz Cheney.  No one would have expected leftists to embrace Congresswoman Cheney, especially after 20 years of describing her father as the root of all evil while accusing her of picking up his mantle. Yet, politics makes strange bedfellows.   "10,000 SIGNATURES NEEDED BY MIDNIGHT TONIGHT: Stand with Liz Cheney's FULL Investigation!" screams a fundraising email from the Democratic Strategy Institute. "ADD YOUR NAME TO STAND WITH CHENEY'S FULL INVESTIGATION." And yes, that is a direct copy/paste from their email. They write the way an animal licking a keyboard might, only less intelligently because they're supposed to know better.”



”[I]f you thought "Obamaphones" were a poor use of taxpayer funds, Joe Biden is one-upping his predecessor with "Bidenpipes," perhaps inspired by his son Hunter.  With an emphasis on "health equity" — defined by the Biden administration as "ensuring that everyone has a fair and just opportunity to be as healthy as possible" and "the right to access quality health care for all populations regardless of the individual’s race, ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, or geographical location — the grant program outlines what allocated taxpayer funds may be used for in the name of "harm reduction."  The bullet point that is the most eyebrow-raising is "safe smoking kits/supplies," the bureaucrat-sanitized term for crack pipes.”



“A confirmation vote scheduled in the Senate Commerce Committee on Wednesday for Gigi Sohn, one of President Biden's nominees to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), has been pulled. In addition to the confirmation vote being pulled, a Senate aide also confirmed to Fox News that a request from Sen. Roger Wicker, R-Miss., for an additional hearing into Sohn’s conflicts of interest has been granted. Sources tell Fox News another hearing on Sohn's nomination will be held on Feb. 9. In a statement last month, Wicker called for a new hearing into Sohn, specifically her time on the board at Locast — a broadcast TV streaming service that was shuttered after it lost a copyright infringement lawsuit brought by ABC, CBS, FOX and NBC. Wicker was provided a confidential copy of a settlement agreement reached over Locast, provided by the four broadcast networks.”




“Abrams’s photo was not merely hypocritical, it was one for the Hypocrisy Hall of Fame: masks for the wee, not for me. … Abrams doesn’t look like merely a hypocrite in the picture; she looks like a crocodile surrounded by a group of shipwrecked sailors with stumps where their legs used to be. Abrams is the new face of Democratic Party child abuse.”



“The images created by dissident Chinese artist Badiucao to draw attention to the evils of the Chinese Communist Party are subversive in style but their message could hardly be clearer. The posters depict Winter Olympic sports while revealing the crimes of the Chinese regime: blood drips from a figure skater’s blade, a biathlete points his rifle at the head of a Uighur prisoner, a competitor rides not a snowboard but a CCTV camera.

“Were a leader of a major American educational institution shown Badiucao’s art, you might expect a message of encouragement or admiration. Not so in the case Mark S. Wrighton, president of George Washington University. Wrighton was contacted by the GW Chinese Students and Scholars Association, who complained that the posters had appeared on GW’s campus and said the images amounted to an “attack on the Chinese nation”, had “serious racist views” and constituted “extremely vicious personal attacks on all international students.” “Punish them severely!” requested the CSSA. Here it is worth noting that such groups are frequently used by Chinese authorities to keep tabs on Chinese students on US campuses.

“How did Wrighton respond to this call for censorship, intimidation and punishment? According to an email obtained by Badiucao, with a level of craven obsequiousness shocking even to those familiar with the ways in which the US academic establishment tends to kowtow to China. In his reply to the CSSA, he wrote:

Please know that I am personally offended by these posters. I treasure the opportunity to work with talented people from all over the world, including China. Your reaching out to me directly is much appreciated, and we are working to have all of these offensive poster removed as soon as possible. I, too, am saddened by this terrible event and we will undertake an effort to determine who is responsible. 

“FIRE, the invaluable champions of academic freedom and free expression on campus, have expressed their concern at the statement. They call Wrighton’s pledge to “root out anonymous speakers who criticize foreign governments” a “wholly inappropriate response by an American university purportedly committed to free expression.” But you hardly need to be as well-versed in campus censorship as FIRE to be outraged: an academic leader suppressing speech on behalf of a genocidal autocracy. And in the heart of the American capital.

“Badiucao has demanded an explanation from Wrighton. It’s very hard to imagine how one might be remotely satisfactory.”



“…in a multicultural, multiracial society as complex as ours, the cross currents, the nuances and the complexities — especially in a population becoming more diverse and inter-married than ever — simply cannot be reduced to “always-oppressor/white” and “always-oppressed/black.” There is good and bad, racist and antiracist, in every human soul and in every demographic group. When you ignore that fundamental truth, you end up where we are: missing so much of complicated human reality that you actually excuse the Nazis — yes, the Nazis — for their racism.”



“Consider the[] juxtaposition [of] Prince Andrew and Jeffrey Epstein.. One is the very definition of an aristocratic gentleman, son of a queen, veteran of the Royal Navy. The other is an American meritocrat, a Brooklyn working-class boy who used his mathematical genius to haul himself to the top of the financial world.  Yet somehow both ended up at the same dismal place.

“The bottom line is that we’re always going to have elites, and those elites are always going to abuse their power, whether hereditary or governmental or corporate. The only thing to do, then, is to discomfort them as much as possible while holding them to account when we can.”



"“It’s becoming harder and harder to know when public health stops and where politics begins,” said Joël Lightbound, a Liberal member of Canada’s Parliament from Quebec. His remarks, clocking in at 13 minutes, were full of not-so-subtle jabs at Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. “A decision was made to wedge, to divide and to stigmatize. I fear that this politicization of the pandemic risks undermining the public's trust in our public health institutions,” he told reporters. “It’s time to stop dividing Canadians and pitting one part of the population against another.” 

Lightbound [] said that some of his colleagues, behind the scenes, agree with his remarks to “varying degrees”…”



“[The] Taliban’s push toward Kabul and resisted efforts by military commanders to prepare an evacuation of embassy staffers and Afghan allies in the weeks before the capital fell, putting American troops involved in the bugout in greater danger, according to the Washington Post, which cited the 2,000-page investigative report.  The report also revealed previously unreported instances of violence directed at US forces, including a gun battle between Marines and Taliban fighters that killed two of the militants and another in which American troops killed a member of an elite Afghan unit and wounded six others after they fired on Americans. “



"Hannah-Jones … wants to have her work taken seriously as the product of a public intellectual who deserves a Pulitzer Prize and a university professorship, and whose historical writings deserve to be taught in schools. She has behind her the mighty institutional power of the New York Times. If she seeks to exercise the privilege of those positions, they come with certain responsibilities: to defend one’s work and engage with one’s critics in the way that scholars such as Wood and McPherson have done for decades. Readers can, and should, consider her refusal to do so as a mark against the credibility of the work to which she has devoted the past three years.”



Prior to joining CNN, Gollust served as communications director for New York State Governor Andrew M. Cuomo.  Suddenly, the pieces start falling into place…Why did Andrew Cuomo get such gushing coverage from CNN? It certainly can’t have hurt that his former communications director was literally in bed with the network president. And it seems likely that this relationship played a role in Zucker’s giving Chris Cuomo such a long leash in the face of allegations of a conflict of interest. Radar Online cited a claim from a “CNN insider” that “Chris had initially escaped punishment for his role in advising his brother over his scandal because of Gollust’s influence on Zucker — and her own connections to the Cuomo machine.”

“Finally, Matthew Belloni of PuckNews reported that, “CNN received a litigation hold letter recently from Chris Cuomo lawyers, demanding, among other things, preservation of all communications between Zucker, comms chief Allison Gollust, and Andrew Cuomo.”

“Chris Cuomo knew that exposing Zucker’s relationship with Gollust could cause Zucker considerable grief. And if this was as poorly hidden a secret as Olbermann and Couric contend, perhaps more than one CNN employee felt they had considerable leverage in any conflict with Zucker.

“If you know your boss’s dirty little secret, you can probably get away with a lot. This isn’t the only reason behind the steady deterioration of CNN’s programming. But some of Zucker’s once-inexplicable personnel choices suddenly seem a lot easier to understand.”



“Why the sudden change? … Focus groups and polling convened by Democrats has them changing their policies. Given Murphy nearly lost his gubernatorial race in the fall to a Republican, he's taking advantage of the turning tide and attempting to save his political future.  "Arranging a series of focus groups across the state to see what they had missed, Mr. Murphy’s advisers were struck by the findings: Across the board, voters shared frustrations over public health measures, a sense of pessimism about the future and a deep desire to return to some sense of normalcy," the New York Times reports. "Even Democratic voters, they agreed, were wearying of the toughest restrictions, growing increasingly impatient with mandates and feeling ready to live with the risk that remained...While the specific steps vary by state, the message was the same: It’s time to move on.””



"There may be no real-world comparison between a blood-soaked monster like Ceaușescu and a bumbling ball-scratcher like Joe Biden, or an honorarium-gobbling technocrat like Hillary Clinton, or a Handsome Dan investment banker like Emmanuel Macron, or an effete pseudo-intellectual like Justin Trudeau. Still, the ongoing inability of these leaders to see the math of populist uprisings absolutely recalls that infamous scene in Bucharest. From Brexit to the election of Donald Trump to, now, the descent of thousands of Canadian truckers upon the capital city of Ottawa to confront Trudeau, a consistent theme has been the refusal to admit — not even to us, but to themselves — the numerical truth of what they’re dealing with."



“The reason so many in corporate media detest Rogan and are making a concerted effort to destroy his career is that he engages in wrongthink. Worse, he offers a big audience an experience that they can’t find in the national media, an institution they have good reason to distrust in any case...the notion that [Joy] Reid or Brian Stelter or [Toure] — or others who show contempt for the credulous proles who stray from media-approved “narratives” — are deep-thinking journalists who possess coveted expertise is highly debatable. What Rogan exhibits, and what many lack, is genuine intellectual curiosity.”

Cheney’s focus on Washington rather than Wyoming, the Times wrote, “is raising questions in Wyoming about whether she is counting on Democrats to bail her out in the August primary — or even whether she really is battling to hold on to her office.”

Cheney’s campaign, which has made an ongoing feud with former President Donald Trump and his supporters the hallmark of her tenure in the lower chamber, is funded in part by the same blue-dollar donors who bankrolled the Lincoln Project


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