Sunday, April 3, 2022

TLDR DIGEST 3/27-4/3

“Hello. I hope this show helps cheer up the ordinary people watching at home. If you’re unemployed for example, take some comfort in the fact that even if you had a job, your salary probably wouldn’t be as much as the goody bag all the actors have just been given…I’m proud to announce that this is the most diverse and progressive Oscars ever. Looking out I see people from all walks of life. Every demographic under the sun. Except poor people, obviously. F*** them”


“…we should understand that, as gratifying as it would be to put a toe-tag on Putin, changing Russia’s relationship with the world means changing Russia itself, which means dismantling the mafia-state at the center of Russian national life. That would be a very large and ambitious project of the kind the United States has not often executed successfully. The model here isn’t deposing Manuel Noriega — it is the reconstruction of post-war Japan. The United States has not just defeated Russia in a devastating war and is not occupying the country — but, even if that were the case, the examples of Afghanistan and Iraq suggest that even an occupation is not enough to ensure the success of such a reconstruction. If we are serious about hamstringing Russia until Putin is driven from power, we need to be serious about what kind of outcome we expect (which is not likely to be precisely the same as the outcome we desire) and realistic about the risks involved. We should push on Putin and push hard — but big talk followed by big hand-waving weakens our position.”


“People in open marriages pretend to be sophisticated but I see this as an example of how crippling and psychologically battering infidelity is. I would add that it would not surprise me if Will Smith now looks like an even weaker man in Jada’s eyes. Why would she be impressed by her husband’s lack of control and his targeting of Rock, who is a much smaller man? This wasn’t chivalry. This was insecurity and weakness, this was their dirty laundry put on display in front of the whole world. [T]his was an uncontrolled, rage-filled overreaction on Smith’s part that had nothing to do with Rock and everything to do with a cuckold’s need to reassert his manhood in front of a world that’s either laughing at him or pitying him…The Oscars should ask Chris Rock to host the show next year just so that he can get the biggest laugh in history walking out in a neck brace.”


“The enormous attention and influence generated by the Dee-Penner-Bonilla research might be justified if the authors had obtained extraordinary results from an exceptionally well-designed, highly transparent, and easily replicable study. But what we have here is the opposite: an exceptionally messy experimental design, opaque to analysis or replication, reporting data patterns that are unbelievable on their face, and which seriously distorts the actual data results.

To us as scholars, perhaps the most disturbing aspect of this affair is that the studies were published in their current form. … the publication of these two astoundingly shoddy works and their importance to the ethnic studies movement should raise the alarm—not only that the editing and peer-review process at these two journals needs overhauling, but that California parents are not being told the truth about a potentially significant change in the education of their children.”


“Both CAIR and the Turkish regime (as well as Islamists all around the world) have long used welfare and charitable outreach as a means to advance their own ideology in Muslim communities. By providing extensive social and welfare services, ordinary Muslims become reliant on Islamist infrastructure, money, and ultimately, leadership. It is a tactic employed not just by lawful Islamist groups in the West, but also jihadists in the Middle East and South Asia…Helping refugees adapt to their new home is a noble cause, but CAIR’s efforts to “empower” and teach about “civil rights” is, in light of the evidence, more likely an attempt to gain new recruits to the cause of Islamism – not to facilitate the entry of refugees into the American economy and civil society.”


“This has become a theme on part of the American and European right. We are weak, Putin is strong. We are dumb, he is smart. We obsess over stupid minutiae, Putin gets the big picture.

At a conservative conference in Florida last November a fellow panelist compared the US military’s ridiculous “intersectional” recruitment ads with the crazy-tough-robots recruitment ads for the Russian army. As I pointed out then, such conservatives unwittingly fall for part of the Kremlin’s propaganda. Yes, our societies have problems. Yes, at times we can seem almost unsurvivably stupid. But it does not follow that we have to drool over the Kremlin’s version of itself.”


“…. a new study from John R. Lott reportedly shows how Biden received 255,000 excess ballots in key swing states. He doesn’t want this study used to challenge the 2020 results, though that’s exactly what’s going to happen. He merely wanted to show how easy it is to count invalid ballots.”


"And what if this story was covered aggressively—because it would have if Joe Biden was a Republican. Well, around 17 percent of Biden supporters would not have supported him if they had known about this laptop story during the election. What does that mean? … The liberal media did its job. Like the alley whores that they are, they put out for their Democratic Party pimps and gave us Biden who has done nothing but embark lead this nation down a road of ruin since day one.”


“"I happen to think that Joe Biden, you know, is Irish," Panetta told Camerota, apparently opening a new line of excuses for Biden's frequently bungled statements. Apparently, being Irish means that Biden, in addition to being a gaffe machine, "really, has a great deal of compassion when he sees that people are suffering," Panetta claimed, before suggesting Biden was "overwhelmed" by what Putin has been doing.”


“Justice Thomas is being punished for being smart, being conservative, and being madly in love with a white woman. Liberals must inflict misery on their enemies, and that goes double for people of color and women who happen to hold right-leaning views.  Some could argue that racism is at play here. It just fits the bill. You almost can't make this up. The anti-fascists are…fascists.  The anti-racists adopt policies of racial segregation—and most of the people behind all these cuckoo initiatives are the whitest, wealthiest and most privileged in America.  Thomas grew up in rural poverty to become one of the most distinguished legal minds in the country, hence his seating in the Supreme Court. That's yet another reason why the left hates him. It shows their whole narrative about America, its society, and its founding are historically fraudulent.”


“For sure, Jada is at the epicenter of this—all of this chaos was over her reaction to the joke. Second, this couple has endured worse regarding their unusual marriage arrangement. Third, you’re both celebrities. Getting made fun of is part of the job—and it was not like Rock said this with malice. Get a grip and get over yourselves. Somehow assaulting a man for a bad joke is considered chivalrous with some on the Left. The ‘words are violence’ crowd really is digging actual violence. Also, I thought it was now sexist to open doors for women. The feminists don’t like that, but somehow the same camp is endorsing assault and battery over a joke about a man’s wife? These rules are nuts, and that’s by design. Leave it Denzel to cool the temperatures though.”


“If the people who held up degenerates like Harvey Weinstein as heroes are opposing us on parents right, I wear that like a badge of honor."


“…the eligibility question has dogged the group since its inaugural meeting in June, when viewers called in pleading with the nine-member group to devise targeted proposals and cash payments to make whole the descendants of people enslaved in the U.S.  A reparations plan based on race would attract “hyper-aggressive challenges that could have very negative implications for other states looking to do something similar, or even for the federal government””…


“Support for Palestinian causes like UNRWA, as well as Nides’ hysteria about Israeli construction in the West Bank, are sops thrown to the shrinking number of ideologues who think the world revolves around Palestine.  But the one place where Palestine does increasingly matter is in American politics, where the issue has been taken up by the progressive wing of the Democratic Party. It is unclear how promoting the Palestinian ideology—that claims they are entitled to return to places once occupied by parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents which are now in Israel, and in the process transform Israel into a Jewish minority state—serves U.S. policy, much less the cause of peace. Pouring more money into UNRWA is bad all around as it is an unaccountable black hole. Ultimately, Americans’ tax money would be better spent promoting independent civil organizations and private-sector growth.”


“Although women’s rights and human rights are high-profile issues for the world outside Afghanistan, the Taliban are likely more unified than divided on repression, justified with vague references to Islam. Excuses for sending girls home on March 23 included the curriculum and uniform that apparently need to accord more closely to the Taliban’s version of the religion they claim to be honoring. With March designated as Women’s History Month, the Taliban’s opposition to educating girls is a timely reminder that countries that invest in girls’ education are more likely to be peaceful, prosperous, and progressive than those that do not.”


“If a Democrat-appointed Supreme Court justice were in the eye of a spousal storm, they would be the first to remind us of it. The smearing of Justice Thomas is transparently partisan politics, nothing more.”


“Unlike the outliers on the right who have no influence in Washington, the anti-Semitic left now commands formidable support within the Democratic Party because of the way intersectionality and critical race theory have given permission to Jew-hatred on the grounds that Israel and the Jews possess “white privilege.” Nor can Levin credibly deny that the rhetoric of his left-wing allies has led to violence against Jews in the United States and elsewhere.”


“It's this trend that Will Smith has joined—the one that sought to cancel Chappelle over jokes…Saturday night's Academy Awards controversy was yet another incarnation of this pernicious trend, but one that escalated to the absurd degree of resulting in physical violence. And while many are decrying the violence on display, the truth is that the incident between Will Smith and Chris Rock was the culmination of a precedent that has been culturally sanctioned by a powerful liberal elite to silence, slander and demonize comedians and commentators who dare to trigger cultural or political sensitivities.”


“ If Clarence Thomas has an ethical obligation to recuse himself from all cases related to the January 6 riots because his wife had opinions on the matter, it’s clear that the president has a moral responsibility to step back from any more decisions concerning Ukraine and China.”


“When registered voters were shown the actual language of the bill, which prohibits age or developmentally inappropriate sexual education in pre-K through third grade, they supported it by more than a two-to-one margin…An ABC poll conducted earlier this month, which described the contents of the bill more generally rather than quoting it directly, found that 62 percent of Americans opposed the legislation.”


“…progressives want [to] draft corporations as full-time combatants in the culture war, whether they like it or not. The result will almost certainly be additional and more vigorous efforts to limit the influence of "woke capital." Not coincidentally, DeSantis has been a leading advocate of such efforts and is likely to make them a centerpiece of his campaign if he runs for president. If that makes it tricky for corporations to do business in Florida, just wait until a Republican moves back into the White House.”


“Once again Donald Trump baited you all and you all took the bait. Now we’re having a discussion about the Bidens.”


“If we would have put in the bill that you are not allowed to have curriculum that discussed the oppression of the Uyghurs in China, Disney would have endorsed that in a second…And that's the hypocrisy of this, and we're gonna make sure we're fighting back when people are threatening our parents and threatening our kids.  For them to say they're going to actively work to repeal substantive protections for parents, as a company that is supposedly marketing its services to parents with young children, I think they crossed the line.”


“I was like, how gross is this? This is the wrong message. You assault somebody and you get escorted out the building and that’s it. But for them to let him continue, I thought it was gross,” Sykes said. “I wanted to be able to run out (on stage) after he won and say, ‘Uh, unfortunately, Will couldn’t be here tonight.’”


“After Trump’s election, many commentators expressed anxiety that his followers would plunge the country into far-right authoritarianism. Instead, it is the class of college-educated Democrats that now openly argues for the value of blind submission to authority and the elimination of personal freedoms. The trend … no longer poses a mere threat to democracy—it has become a full-fledged attack on basic democratic principles. Far from upholding civil liberties, the self-proclaimed “resistance” to Trumpism has itself exhibited many hallmarks of authoritarianism: suppression of dissent, demand for unquestioning obedience, and tight control over the flow of information. While scapegoating Trump supporters, a nexus of billionaires, woke corporations, public intellectuals, and Democratic officials have sparked the very descent into authoritarianism they claimed would emerge from the populist right.”


“Biden wants to empty nearly a third of the 580 million barrels left in the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, leaving it at half its capacity. What happens if a war with Russia — which is not exactly out of the question these days — does break out and oil supplies are disrupted for months?   As sad as it is, none of this has to be. Our country is blessed with more than 43 billion barrels of oil in the ground. We have the technology, industry and right to leverage that in every way possible to ensure we never see $4.00 a gallon gas again.  Joe Biden loves to say he is a capitalist. He has a funny way of showing it.”


"I've obtained video from inside Disney's all-hands meeting about the Florida parental rights bill, in which executive producer Latoya Raveneau says her team has implemented a "not-at-all-secret gay agenda" and is regularly "adding queerness" to children's programming."


"The Walt Disney Company has come to be an increasingly uncomfortable place to work for those of us whose political and religious views are not explicitly progressive…We watch quietly as our beliefs come under attack from our own employer, and we frequently see those who share our opinions condemned as villains by our own leadership. Employees who want TWDC to make left-wing political statements are encouraged, while those of us who want the company to remain neutral can say so only in a whisper out of fear of professional retaliation…The company we love seems to think we don’t exist or don’t belong here. This politicization of our corporate culture is damaging morale and causing many of us to feel our days with TWDC might be numbered.”


"An Ohio appeals court has upheld a ruling that awarded more than $30 million to a bakery that accused Oberlin College of damaging its business and libeling it with false accusations of racism."


“Thank you all for coming and putting on a brave face,” Maher said as he opened the show with his monologue. “To Will Smith: stay strong and I got your back.” Maher paused for a second. “April Fools. You’re a dick.”

"He then threw a few jabs at the actor who sucker slapped Chris Rock at this year’s Oscars ceremony for a “G.I. Jane” joke about his wife Jada’s shaved head due to an alopecia condition. “I’m not here to humiliate Will Smith. He gets enough of that at home.”

"“Every single person in America was talking about the sucker punch heard ’round the world,” acknowledged Maher. “That whole ‘Keep my wife’s name out of your mouth’ didn’t really work out.”

"Although the on-stage physical confrontation happened so fast, Maher noted “there was more action in three seconds than in three hours of The Power of the Dog.”

"He added, “Who would have thought the movie coming out of the Oscars with all the buzz was G.I. Jane.”

"Maher then scoffed at backlash about Rock’s joke, saying that comparing a woman to Demi Moore at her hottest was not a huge insult. “Alopecia is not leukemia,” he said. “I blame toxic femininity.”

"Of course, there were more important things going on in the world this week. “But we don’t care about that,” Maher joked."


“…the scourge of inflation, a problem so serious that it touched him and his colleagues personally.

“One of our contacts, for instance, mentioned whopping membership fee increases at his golf club,” Harker said, “suggesting this summer may be a good time to play at your local muni instead.”  Inflation is so bad, you might have to play a public course this summer. To quote Conrad’s Kurtz: The horror! The horror!”

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