Friday, February 20, 2009

What Is, and Why I'm, A "Self-Hating Conservative": A Copy of My email Response to Said Query

im a self-hating conservative because

a) liberals are usually cooler and better looking (hello? hollywood? would you rather hang out with Sean Penn or Alan Keyes?)

b) one can forgive liberals a lot easier for playing with the truth because since they actually believe that morality is what they say it is, it ipso facto becomes more flexible, and more tolerable, to argue with them (if theyre not too attached to PC. But those arent liberals, theyre progressives.)

However: conservatives always think theyre right and G-d agrees with them. So, when they are right, they're merely tolerable, but when they're wrong, or they play with their principles and claim never to have changed them, theyre lying on two fronts. Thats when theyre downright embarrassing and I dont want to have anything to do with them.

Put another way, I have no contemporary "liberal" credentials, so I wouldnt claim to be one of them. However, though I (reluctantly) share certain conservative principles, I wouldnt wanna hang out with them.

Or, in psychiatric terms: A psychotic thinks 2 + 2 =5. A neurotic knows 2 + 2 =4; he just cant stand it. Im a neurotic conservative.

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